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756-4711 10am-9pm PST (-8 GMT)
Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR
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Fine Games'
Retirement Liquidation Sales Landing Page
(Last updated 9 April 2024)
We've taken a number of lengthy & enjoyable vacations. In March, our last primary distributor abrubtly stopped carrying Decision Games products. And now, for the first time in Fine Games' history, we failed to make a profit on our 2023 tax forms. All clearly signs it is time to give it up. But first, we must find good homes for all our remaining 460 games & mags. Our Retirement Liquidation Sales is the vehicle by which we will get there.
To be clear, we remain an ongoing business and will for some time. But the sale we describe below begins the final stage of things, liquidating the core of our games at fire-sale prices.
See the end of this page for pictures of what retirement might look like for me.
Fine Games Retirement Sales
Each Retirement Liquidation Sale offer will have special pricing and special terms unique to that offer. Both pricing and special terms are valid only during the sale period clearly stated here and in our sale catalogs. After each sale offer expires, normal pricing resumes.
Retirement Liquidation Sales #17: Items Priced $0 - $2 (and a few more)
Our 17th Retirement Liquidation Sale seeks to liquidate 82 minimally priced items with a price ranging from FREE! to $2, with a couple of items up to $5. Hard to go lower than this!
There is no true expiration date on this sale. These items are available as listed here until sold, or until we make a different offer. But all are offered first come, first served.
Download $0 - $2 Clearance Catalog (update, PDF download 300kb)
Our catalog is updated frequently; we urge you to download a fresh copy immediately before starting your shopping.
Download our Spreadsheet Shopping Tool (update, Excel XSLM 100mb) which allows you to shop, instantly calculating discounts, shipping and totals. This is a macro-enabled spreadsheet, but the only macro simply clears the quantities ordered for a fresh start, and its use is optional.
Our Offer is this: You get an extra discount on our already-discounted normal selling price. Get +10% off on your first item, +20% off at 8, 30% at 12, and +35% at 16 items. For a purchase of 4 typical mag-games, that amounts to a savings of 40% of the list price of your purchase. And that is for only 4 items. The more you buy, the bigger your discount item by item.
There are a few limitations. See the full guidelines in our PDF catalog downloaded above, or just use our Spreadsheet Shopping Tool that can be downloaded above, This includes all the logic of our sale into a very functional spreadsheet. You may wish to be aware that:
- Full discount structure detailed in our catalog. Discount starts at 10% for one item, hits 20% at 4 items, 25% at 8, 30% at 12, and tops out at 35% at 16 items.
- Only the first $40 of our normal selling price is discountable. Valuable items are included in this sale and are discounted, but the discount on these valuable items is limited to a maximum of $14.
- If you order 8 or more items, you get the lower of (1) the discounted price as above, or (2) our Liquidation Price used in prior sales.
- Limit of 1 of each item per customer.
- Most items are available at a quantity of one-only. So be fast or be out of luck.
- We will reserve items for you ONLY when we have a complete, confirmed order including payment info. Make a clear order and you'll get your goodies. Otherwise there is a good chance that another buyer will snag some of your goods.
- Prior to posting this sale, we have progressively reduced our normal selling prices over the last two years, and did so again this week.
- We intend to offer increased discounts shortly before this sale ends on whatever is leftover at that time.
Shipping is pretty simple as these are mostly flat, unboxed items. One item will ship for $9, up to four will be $11, orders requiring boxed shipment $17 for whatever will fit a flat rate box, and beyond that shipping will be quoted.
Next Up - projected for the fall
We expect we will have a sale similar to this on all our remaining magazine-games, with prices of roughly $5 - $10.
To place an order you simply
collect a list of the games or other items you wish to order (including
game title, part # and price ideally) from our catalogs. Then, email it
to us with your full name, contact info & payment instructions.
You can also phone or fax us, if you prefer. Your games will be shipped as
early as the same day, and rarely later than the next weekday. Note that we do not have
an online form for ordering. Go here for more complete ordering details.
You will expedite the process if you record the (1) part#, (2) the game title, and (3) the liquidation price for each item you wish to order, and forward that via email or phone. For example:
123456 D-Day at Fine Games $99.99
If you email, please state clearly if you are placing a firm order (as opposed to anything less, like a simple inquiry), and if so tell us how you intend to pay for your order. Only if we have the latter two pieces of info do we have enough info to reserve anything for you pending arrival of payment. If you haven't ordered from us recently, or you've moved recently, please also provide your current home address & phone#.
Normal payment terms apply to all Retirement orders.
We accept checks (with the cash discount reflected in all our pricing), as well as credit cards and PayPal (sent to, or via PayPal.Me/FineGames/$$$.$$ where $$$.$$ is the actual dollar value owed without a $ sign. Example: PayPal.Me/FineGames/123.45.) Note that payment methods where we must pay a fee to receive your payment (credit/debit card or PayPal) forego the cash discount and so the grand total will be 3.75% more than any stated price you see in our catalogs; that includes shipping as well.
You can also use this QR code to set up a payment in PayPal:

Please be aware of & respect our reservation policy. We will reserve items for you that you are certain – as in 100% certain – you want them. We will not reserve items prospectively or while you "think about it." If you tell us you are ordering an item but later change your mind, we will be hesitent to reserve anything for you on future orders. Do it twice and we will only reserve items when we have payment in hand. This is especially true of our Annual Clearance and Retirement Liquidation Sales.
We ship by USPS priority mail where possible, but now use USPS Ground Advantage for heavier shipments.
With a major exception, our normal shipping charges apply to each order, regardless of whether some or all items come from this clearance. For most orders including boxed items, shipping is $23.00 per order. A single unboxed item can ship for $9.00, multiple unboxed items for $11.00. A single boxed item (plus unboxed items as will fit) generally ships for $17.00; most other orders are $23.00. We will quote shipping for your specific order.
For domestic orders requiring boxed shipment, the price of shipping will be based on shipping weight. Shipping weight is determined by the greater of actual or dimensional weight. We will estimate weight at time of order. See our domestic shipping rate chart for prices.
International orders are generally based on actual shipping weight. Contact us for a quote.
Are you Subscribed ?
This & future Retirement Sale notices are emailed to our subscribed customers. Like to receive timely notice of such
sales? Just make sure we have your full name, current home address, phone #
& email to subscribe to our emailed
newsletter. Simple as that. And subscribing is required to receive the extreme discounts offered in these sales.
My concept of retirement is something of the nature of "doing what I want 24/7." While I remain healthy, that means outdoor activities including camping, hiking and seeing the world one beer at a time from the seat of a bike (i.e. bike touring). I've got my bright red bikes -- akin to but far more practical than the bright red corvettes old men buy -- and am ready to go! Have my sights on my first trip to Europe later in 2024.
Once I find need for a rocking chair, perhaps I'll even find time to play all the thousands of games I own; I've always said to many of you considering selling your collections, "retirement is coming!" When retirement does arrives, time should be less of a constraint to enjoying our gaming hobby for each of us. Then, I need a set of eBikes....