NEW GAMES & ACCESSORIES Published in * 11 / 2019 * All Wargames, Family Games, Magazines & Accessories reported as of 12-27-19 12:19 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĪ ³ What you see here are games by their PUBLICATION DATE (YY/MM). ³ ³ This listing is NOT intended as a catalog; rather, the games ³ ³ shown here reflect when they were released, and stock status and ³ ³ price AS OF THE DATE THE LISTING WAS PRINTED. Items may have ³ ³ changed price or gone out of print & ceased to be available. ³ ³ Check regular catalogs for current availability & pricing. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA email: Web: Phone: 866-690-7879 10am-9pm -or- 541-756-4711 10am-9pm Publsr / Game Title & Edition (Mag#) Box Est Price Release Date Part# (In-Stk) Specific Condition & Topic Notes Typ Wgt (Cash) YY/MM Ordr Turnaround ------ ----------------------------- --- --- ------ ------------ --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARES GAMES (AresGm) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUARTERMASTER GENERAL WW2 2ND FB 37.00 19/11 Special Order 2nd edition that fine tunes much of the game. Strategic 4-8wks Turnarnd level game of World War II around the globe that emphasizes supply as necessary for your armies & navies to fight, and even to keeps them from surrendering. Military units are represented by wooden blocks, with illustrated cards to provide abilities. 216 cards, 55 blocks, 1 countersheet. Simpler & fast playing. Ian Brody'19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACADEMY GAMES (AYG) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFLICT OF HEROES, STORMS OF STEEL GB 69.00 19/11 Special Order 3RD 3rd edition update of this 2-4 player game using the CoH 2-6wks Turnarnd system to represent tactical combat at the battle of Kursk, 1943, on thru the end of the war in 1945. Includes new unit types (Tiger tanks, Soviet rockets, etc), new maps. 3rd edition includes update rules, maps, overlays & artwork, new firefight scenarios, new counters & new artwork on the counters, new box format with Game Trayz inserts. '19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPASS GAMES (Compas) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERCEPTOR ACE, AIR DEFENSE OVR BC 77.00 19/11 Stocked GERMANY Solitaire covering daylight air defense over Germany, 2-6wks Turnarnd 1943-43. Player is placed in any of 30 models of dylight fighters tasked with stopping the American bomber offensive and their fighter escorts. 1 countersheet, 60 cards, individual aircraft & crew members. Gregory Smith'19 ONCE WE MOVED LIKE THE WIND, APACHE BC 2.5 54.00 19/11 In-Stk: 139498 WARS Simpler block system game covering the key 25yr period after the American Civil War in which the various Apache tribes made life difficult for the whites trying to appropriate their land in the American Southwest. Each turn a provocation determines the forces available that turn and placement. Movement & combat occur sequentially, but the side with the most points for the turn increases their victory total by one, with the high side at the end being the winner. Use of wooden blocks provides excellent fog of war, with the Apache especially benefiting from decoy units. 22mi/inch, 3-4yrs/turn, 80 blocks. Fast playing. Stephen Newberg'19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECISION GAMES (DecGms) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESERT FOX 1940-43 DELUXE [3RD] BC 2.4 79.00 19/11 In-Stk: 139193 Boxed update of this of this acclaimed btln level game of the war in northern Africa, 1940-43, from Libya to Egypt to Tunisia & now including Algeria. Uses large movement factors, allows multiple forms of combat plus defensive reaction, specialized units, and more detailed air system. Now integrated w/ Trail of Fox, adds a new Algerian map, & revises maps & OoB. 19 years in the making. 10mi/hex 1mo/turn, rgt/brig/div level, 6 maps of varying sizes, 560 counters. 48 event cards. R.Berg, D.Niles, S.Copley, C.Perello'19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECISION GAMES S&T QUARTE (DecSTQ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY # 8 TET n 0.7 12.00 19/11 In-Stk: 139205 OFF Quarterly magazine dedicated to a single historical topic of military history. This issue is focused on all aspects of northern Vietnam's Tet Offensive that caught the US entirely by surprise all across southern Vietnam early in 1968. Does NOT include the map included with subscriber copies.'19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECISION GMS MODERN WAR M (Dec_MW) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRAGON & THE HERMIT KINGDOM #45 n 0.9 29.50 19/11 In-Stk: 139227 Mag & game. Game of a hypothetical 2nd Korean War in the immediate future in which northern Korea & China press a suprise attack on the south to unify the country. Game represents a precursor to earlier game, Dragon That Engulfed the Sun. Map covers Manchuria & the Korean penisula. Unit types include land, air, air defense & cyber. 36mi/hex, brig/div level 176 counters. Eric Harvey'19 / ARTICLES ON: Geopolitics of the Western Pacific & Korea; Fire Support Bases in Vietnam; Invasion of Panama 1989, Operation Just Cause [sic]; Yom Kippur War in the Golan, 1973; Tribal Wars; Turkey's Nuclear Aspirations; Malaysian Naval Transformation, Iran's Choke Point; Battle of Medina Ridge, 1990; Nex Arms Race, Hypersonic Weapons; Russian Tank Developments. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GMT GAMES (GMT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMANDS & COLORS, NAPOLEONICS 4TH DC* 5.8 56.00 19/11 In-Stk: 139134 2019 Reprint. Block-system game covering 15 Napoleonic era battles. Includes French, British & Portuguese troops. Battles include: Rollica 1st & 2nd, Vimiero, Corunna, River Coa, Talavera, Bussaco, Reynier's & Ney's Assault, Redinha, Salamanca, Garcia Hernandez, Aire, Quatre Bras & Waterloo. 340 blocks, mounted map, 70 command cards. R.Borg'19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAN VERSSEN GAMES (Versse) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAVLOV'S HOUSE, BATTLE OF STALINGRAD BC* 4.0 59.00 19/11 In-Stk: 138926 2ND 2nd edition. Solitaire or 2+ player game of the defense of a building used as a fortified strongpoint by the Soviets thru two full months of the battle for Stalingrad in the fall of 1942. Solitaire player controls the Soviet defenders & the leaders of the 62nd army, while the game system controls the Germans. Also includes rules for a cooperative game where one player controls forces in Pavlov's House while 1+ other players control other elements of the 62nd Army, as well as a competitive game where one player controls the German and 1-2 players control the Soviets. Includes 140 cards, 100 wooden blocks, 5 countersheets. '19 9 Items listed here for your shopping pleasure. [IM_NuPn2:2019] Newly Released Gaming Items Listed by Publiher