NEW GAMES & ACCESSORIES Published in * 2017 * All Wargames, Family Games, Magazines & Accessories reported as of 12-27-17 14:16 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĪ ³ What you see here are games by their PUBLICATION DATE (YY/MM). ³ ³ This listing is NOT intended as a catalog; rather, the games ³ ³ shown here reflect when they were released, and stock status and ³ ³ price AS OF THE DATE THE LISTING WAS PRINTED. Items may have ³ ³ changed price or gone out of print & ceased to be available. ³ ³ Check regular catalogs for current availability & pricing. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA email: Web: Phone: 866-690-7879 10am-9pm -or- 541-756-4711 10am-9pm Publsr / Game Title & Edition (Mag#) Box Est Price Release Date Part# (In-Stk) Specific Condition & Topic Notes Typ Wgt (Cash) YY/MM Ordr Turnaround ------ ----------------------------- --- --- ------ ------------ --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMARILLO DESIGN GROUP (ADB) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAR FLEET BATTLES: CAPTAIN'S LOG #52 Bk 0.9 18.00 In-Stk: 125512 Enlarged 144pg issue of SFB fiction w/ some new scenarios, ships, many new rules & battle framework, etc. Star Fleet Battles, Federation Commander, Call to Arms, Starmada, F&E & more. Includes multiple new ships, 5 scenarios for SFB, Ground combat & 4 commando ships for fed Cmndr, preview of Unity edition, Middle Years rules & scenario for F&E, rules for Star Fleet Marines & Prime Directive. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGAINST THE ODDS MAGAZINE (Agains) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUR ROADS TO PARIS HP 33.00 17/11 Stocked 2016 Annual (published at the end of 2017) w/ 4 games 2-6wks Turnarnd focused on the fall of France in May 1940: STRANGE VICTORY is a solitaire game depicting the smaller, nimbler Germans confounding the Allied command structure. SPRINGTIME FOR HITLER supposes that the Germans simply had the best army, airforce, doctrine, and used all to their advantage. SEEDS OF DISASTER explores the pre-conflict planning and projection of motivations onto the enemy that led to the disaster. BETRAYAL! is a unique game akin to many solitaire games in that the Germans are driven by the game system when the players represent Britain & France, erstwhile allies that are looking out first for their own national interests. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATO - TURNING POINT SIMUL (AgaTPS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARBELA, ALEXANDER'S GREATEST VICTORY HP 1.2 26.00 17/ 4 Stocked At Gaugamela, 331BC, Alexander the Great's 47,000 troops 2-6wks Turnarnd were outnumbered something like 5 to 1, yet he defeated 250,000 Persians under Persian King Darius. Uses a card-based system to represents each units abilities. 90 cards, 48 counters. R.Berg'17 CAMPAIGN FOR VICKSBURG, 1863 HP 0.9 26.00 In-Stk: 120029 One of the 20 most decisive battles of history per Joseph Mitchell's 1964 history. Vicksburg held the Confederacy together, and allowed resources from the West & Mexican ports to reach the heart of the South. Union forces under Grant must pry the City - and with it control of the Mississippi River -- away from the south. Includes the full scope of this difficult campaign, with internal squabbling and supply limitations, plus many of the sideshows & raids, the CSS Arkansas, etc. Mounted map, 140 counters. P.Rohrbaugh'17 INVINCIBLE ARMADA, 1588AD HP 1.2 28.00 In-Stk: 124014 One of the key battles of history, the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 set the future of Europe and the New World. Game covers the campaign at both the strategic & tactical level, with event chits that influence play. Includes 170 counters and a mounted map. M.McLaughlin'17 SADOWA CAMPAIGN, 1866 HP 1.1 26.00 In-Stk: 121273 One of the 20 decisive campaigns of history. This unheard of campaign from the obscure Austro-Prussian War of 1866 furthered Bismarck's trajectory of making Germany a modern nation - and likely formed the basis for two world wars. An outnumbered but aggressive, more progressive Prussian army faces a slow moving Austrian army that largely failed to exploit its advantages. But France could have entered the war, and other possibilities were present. J.Werbaneth'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASMODEE EDITIONS (Asmode) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHERLOCK HOLMES, THE THAMES MURDERS BC 38.00 17/ 7 Special Order Nice family style game of detective work on any of a variety of cases. You must decide which clues to follow in order to unravel the mystery, answer a set of questions, and compare your game score with that of the 'real' Sherlock. This game includes The Thames Murders, Munitions Magnate, Pilfered Paintings, Mummy's Curse & 6 more. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATLAS GAMES (Atlas) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLOOM CARD GAME 2ND SB 18.00 17/11 Special Order Update of this dark card game in which you, as the patriarch of an extended family of misanthropes, try to cause your family to suffer the most tragedies until their death (like Pursued by Poodles or Mocked by Midges) while causing your opponents to experience happy events. Cards are transparent except where printed, so one event may cover or not a prior event played, also influencing play. 2nd edition adds a new larger box, rules updates, timinig icons, reminder cards & more. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVALANCHE PRESS, LTD. (Avalan) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1866: BLOOD & IRON KIT Bk 0.4 18.00 In-Stk: 126069 Scenario kit for the 1866, Frontier Battles game. Includes 64 counters & 6 scenarios. Scenarios are based on Bavarian Von der Tann plans to join the Austrians in fighting the Prussia by marching into Bohemia as the left wing of the Austrian army. '17 ALAMEIN, HISTORY'S TURNING POINT BC 2.5 109.00 In-Stk: 123514 1942 2D Reprint in a more practical box of this large, grand tactical level game of the key portion of the Alamein battles in northern Africa, June-Nov'42. Highly detailed in many respects, with armored units rated & using a separate armored combat step; artillery rated for offensive & defensive support; air combat sub-system. Uses the Malta, Island of Death game system. 4 maps, 1960 counters, 6 scenarios. Co/Btln level, 2km/hex, 6hrs/turn. B.Knipple'17 GREAT PACIFIC WAR: CO-PROSPERITY Bk 0.4 18.00 In-Stk: 126070 SPHERE Kit with 4 new scenarios & 90 new counters providing alternative history and studying Japan's ability to stand up to the US economically, politically & militarily in WWII. '17 GREAT WAR AT SEA: SECOND GREAT WAR zl 0.5 15.00 In-Stk: 124441 KIT Scenario kit providing very hypothetical naval engagements based on the assumption that Woodrow Wilson was able to end WWI thru a negotiated settlement. The nations of that era survive the war only to engage in a Second Great War years later. France, Italy & Russia square off against Germany, Austria & Poland. Mike Bennighof'17 PANZER GRENADIERS, KOREAN WAR, BC 2.0 64.00 In-Stk: 122732 CNTRATTCK Second game in the Panzer Grenadier games series set in the Korean War, 1950. After a close call at Pusan, UN forces led by the US invade at Inchon and rout north Korean forces. Covers actions during that fluid period after the invasion thru the approaches to the Chinese border. 63 scenarios, 517 large counters, 200m/hex, pltn level. Jay Townsend'17 PANZER GRENADIERS: SPEARHEAD zl 0.5 18.00 In-Stk: 123519 DIVISIONKIT Scenario kit for the Panzer Grenadier series. Provides 25 new scenarios requiring Elsenborn Ridge to play, all focused on the crack 3rd 'Spearhead' Armored division, with 4 campaigns that link scenarios together in a series. 88 counters.'17 SECOND WW AT SEA, SEA OF IRON BC 1.5 56.00 In-Stk: 124068 Complete game in the Second World War at Sea game series. Covers 30 naval actions in the Baltic Sea from 1939-45 (actual & hypothectical). Includes naval & air forces of Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden & the USSR. 36mi/sea zone, 560 counters, 2 maps. Mike Benighof, James Stear'17 SECOND WW AT SEA: SHIPS OF PLAN Z KIT zl 0.4 22.00 In-Stk: 124438 Second World War at Sea series scenario kit depicting hypothetical fleet actions had Germany's planned Plan Z navy been deployed. '17 SOLDIER EMPEROR 3RD [DELUXE EDITION] BC 2.3 54.00 In-Stk: 121872 Second major revision with new rules & scenarios. 2-7 player game of the Napoleonic Era using the Soldier Kings system. Large, simpler game with 345 counters, 2 mounted maps. R.Markham'17 SOLDIER EMPEROR, INDIAN EMPIRES BC 1.8 36.00 In-Stk: 120706 Stand-alone game in the Soldier Emperor series. Between 1767 and 1820, local populations as well as European competitors stirred up trouble for the British in India. 2-5 players compete in the Great Game for the future of India in 8 scenarios. Can be mated with Soldier Emperor game. 197 counters, 64 cards, smallish map. Update of earlier Soldier Raj. Rob Markham'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOUNDING FIRE PRODUCTIONS (Boundi) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASL:BLOOD & JUNGLE 2 [2ND] Fo 2.4 125.00 In-Stk: 122024 Update of this large scenario kit focused on ASL actions in the Pacific Theater. Includes a whooping 47 scenarios set in China, Burma, Borneo, the Philippines, Tarawa & other known & lessor venues. Includes 4 counter sheets, 3 16x22" geomorphic boards on heavy stock, mag w/ articles as well as rules, & a divider card. 2nd ed integrates errata & adds a new player aid & an enlarged map for one scenarios. Reqs US, Japanese, Brit, French, Soviet, Chinese & minor nations units plus boards 2,7,10-12,14-18,22,25,32-40,42,43,47-51, b,d,u, v, BRT & BRP board B for play of all scenarios. '17 ASL:CRUCIBLE OF STEEL 2 [2ND] Fo 2.4 125.00 In-Stk: 122028 Reprint of this large, 32 scenario kit depicting tactical battles from the southern pincer of Kursk, Op Citadel, July 1943. Includes 3 boards, rules & magazine with historical articles plus analysis of slopes, dug-in tanks, forts etc. A major kit on a highly gameable subject. Req Blood & Jungle, Into the Rubble, High Ground 2, boards 16,17,33,38,43,44,56,57,62. Includes 2 countrsheets (less than included in first edition). C.Smith, S.Swann'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKING GAMES LLC (BRK) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUDDENLY STONED SB 11.00 17/ 9 Special Order Party game where players take turns doing simple tasks that Temp OoP/OoS grow harder the higher you are (like "call a family member"). Creates interesting situations to laugh at. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CZECH GAMES EDITION (CGE) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THROUGH THE AGES 4TH LB* 54.00 17/ 5 Special Order Latest iteration of this card game based on the theme of the highly recommended computer game, Civilization. 2-4 players begin with a small set, primative culture & guide their civilization toward greatness, conflicting with other players in the hope of dominating the world. Players can focus on developing their cultural development, their trade, and/or their military might. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASH OF ARMS (CofA) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1871, RULES FOR THE FRANCO-PRUSSIAN Bk 0.8 29.00 17/ 8 Special Order WAR Miniatures rules set in the 1870 series. This set provides 2-6wks Turnarnd fast-playing rules for the Franco-Prussian War while remaining compatible with prior games. Includes OoBs, historical notes & maps, and alternative scenarios. Includes scenarios for small battles of a couple of divisions as well as multi-corp battles. Perfect bound. LA BATAILLE DE LIGNY 3RD FB 2.4 115.00 17/ 1 Stocked 2016 update of this 1st of 3 La B games on the Battle of Temp OoP/OoS Waterloo. Covers Napoleon's assault on the Prussians, 16 Jun 1815. Mates w/ Quatre Bras, Wavre & Mt St. Jean kit. Large game w/ 5th edition series rules, 4 period-style maps, 1000+ counters. Well-suited to both team & solitaire play. All components except the OoB have been reworked & updated for this edition. E.Wimble'17 LA BATAILLE DE LIGNY 3RD [ZIPLOCK] ZL 2.2 115.00 In-Stk: 122367 Packaged in a ziplock (rather than a box). 2016 update of this 1st of 3 La B games on the Battle of Waterloo. Covers Napoleon's assault on the Prussians, 16 Jun 1815. Mates w/ Quatre Bras, Wavre & Mt St. Jean kit. Large game w/ 5th edition series rules, 4 period-style maps, 1000+ counters. Well-suited to both team & solitaire play. All components except the OoB have been reworked & updated for this edition. E.Wimble'17 WHISTLING DEATH 2ND BC 2.5 60.00 In-Stk: 121283 2017 reprint. 3rd game in the Air Power series of air combat between individual aircraft. This volume covers WW2 in the Pacific. Includes training scenarios & large battles. 520 counters, 40 aircraft, 24 ships, rules to retrofit prior games. J.Webster'17 WHISTLING DEATH 2ND [ZIPLOCK] ZL 2.2 55.00 17/ 4 Stocked 2017 reprint packaged in a ziplock (with no box or die). 3rd 2-6wks Turnarnd game in the Air Power series of air combat between individual aircraft. This volume covers WW2 in the Pacific. Includes training scenarios & large battles. 520 counters, 40 aircraft, 24 ships, rules to retrofit prior games. J.Webster'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLUMBIA GAMES (ColumG) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMBAT INFANTRY, WWII TACTICAL COMBAT BC 2.2 67.49 In-Stk: 125359 Block system game of tactical, squad level combat. Uses an interactive system for fire & close combat. Base game includes US & German forces in engagements from 1944-45 on the western front; expansion planned to include Soviet, British, Italian & Japanese. Each block represents a squad within a larger platoon or company, with unit integrity being significant. Includes leaders, rifle squad, weapons (machine gun, mortor, anti-tank) units, plus armored vehicles. 100m/hex, 154 wooden blocks, 4 geomorphic maps. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPASS GAMES (Compas) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1866, STRUGGLE FOR SUPREMACY IN BC 1.4 60.00 In-Stk: 122421 GERMANY Point-point move game of the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 and the struggle to unify Germany. Uses a 55-card deck of cards that regulates events & deployment. Map covers an area of central Europe, with key areas or localities being identified on the map. 2 scenarios: the full campaign including mobilization, & the 7 Weeks War (the war itself). 2.5 countersheets, 1wk/turn, point-point map, div/corp level. J.Firer.'17 ABSOLUTE VICTORY, WORLD CONFLICT DC* 3.9 142.50 In-Stk: 126074 1939-45 Large, highly strategic game of World War II around the globe (on all 7 continents), 1939-45. Comparable in scale to earlier Blitz! Covers WWII on all theaters, on land and at sea. Uses a variable scale map that better emphasizes Europe and eastern Asia and less the areas not actively involved. Includes 2500 random events that players may encounter depicting the swirling, wartime diplomacy and technological events. Combat system allows you to prioritize time, territory or casualties in each battle fought. Uses an interactive, pulse system that involves both players thruout. Includes production. 4 maps, 7 countersheets, 3 rulebooks; army/corp, air fleet, naval squadron level, 130-185mi/hex, 2mo/turn. BIG! Ben Madison, Wes Erni'17 AFRICAN CAMPAIGN, DESIGNERS [3RD] ED DC 1.2 49.00 In-Stk: 126077 Colorized & remastered 3rd Designers edition incorporating all errata plus new rules & variants (including those published in Panzerfaust/Campaign #74), and a larger map & counters. Original game was the predecessor to the highly popular Russian Campaign game. Covers the campaign in northern Africa from Dec 1940 thru Dec 1942 using a system similar to Russian Campaign making for a good, fluid game. Div level so very few units are involved making it possibly a good beginner's game. 0.5mo/turn, 12mi/hex, btln/div level. J.Edwards'17 COMMANDS & COLORS TRICORNE AM DC* 5.8 85.00 In-Stk: 123983 REVOLUTN Game of tactical battles during the American Revolution using the popular Commands & Colors game system which uses command cards to drive movement. Adds several new rules systems to provide historical depth & challenges to those experienced with this sytem. Simpler game with fast play time. Scale varies with scenario. 12 battle scenarios including Bemis Heights, Bunker Hill I & II, Camden, Cowpens, Guilford Courthouse, Eutaw Springs & more. 309 wooden blocks, 3 decks of a total of 108 cards. Richard Borg'17 FALL OF THE THIRD REICH BC 1.4 63.00 In-Stk: 122734 New design. Large, strategic level game of the final 2 years of the War in Europe as Allies close in on Germany. Emphasis is on mobility with multiple movement phases & limits to leaving ZOC. Can be played as a 2, 3 or 4 player game, and is well-adapted to solitaire play as well. By a yeoman designer. 2mo/turn, 30mi/hex, Div/corp/army level, 2 maps, 342 counters. Ted Racier'17 GUAM, RETURN TO GLORY BC 2.8 99.00 In-Stk: 126076 Company-level game of the US invasion of Guam with the intent to recapture the island from 18,500 Japanese in July 1944. Second game in the Marianas Campaign series, and uses the Company Scale (CSS) game system. Lengthy & large game due to the low scale and huge number of forces involved. 1056 counters, 4 maps. Adam Starkweather'17 NINE YEARS, WAR OF THE GRAND ALLIANCE BC 1.5 52.00 In-Stk: 120891 Point-point move, stand-alone game that can be mated with No Peace Without Spain. Uses the NPWS system to depict the 9 years of war, 1688-1697, as France's Louis XIV begins a war of aggression called the War of the Grand Alliance in 1688. Concurrently, William III invades England & deposes his father-in-law, King James II. (European history is so very messy!) 1 map, 55 cards, 100 counters. Linking with No Peace allows the entire war, 1688-1713, to be covered in Europe & North America. S.Chick, K.Van Beurden'17 REVOLUTION ROAD, BATTLES OF THE AM BC 1.6 54.00 In-Stk: 123982 REV Game of four battles of the American Revolution (Boston, Lexington, Charleston & Concord) using 2 distinct game systems. One involves a detailed area-move map of the Boston area. The second involves an area movement map of the larger Massachusetts colony. High solitaire suitability. 228 counters, 22 cards, 2 maps. John Poniske & Bill Morgal'17 SAIPAN, THE BLOODY ROCK BC 2.4 94.00 In-Stk: 123984 Game of the bitter & lengthy invasion of and eventual conquest of the island fortress of Saipan, June 1944. 2 US Marine & 1 Army division are greated by 30,000 entrenced Japanese. In the end, most of the Japanese, plus 14,000 Americans (and 22,000 civilians) would be casualties. But the island later housed airbases used to bomb the Japanese mainland. First of the Company Scale (CSS) system, as well as an intended series on the conquest of the Mariannas. Very lengthy game, with 1056 counters, 2 maps, hi solitaire suitability. Adam Starkweather'17 SOUTH CHINA SEA, CONFLICT IN S BC 1.6 62.00 In-Stk: 125567 PACIFIC Strategic level, integrated political & military game of the real & potential conflicts in the South China Sea between 5 key players: the US, China, Malaysia, Philippines & Vietnam. Players engage in structured activies to shift the political situation in their favor, but each activity bears a varying risk of provoking armed conflict that shifts the game to the traditional hex board format. 2 maps, 39 cards, 390 counters, 3-7hrs/turn, 45nm/hex, 2ships/counter, btnl-level. Designed for 2-3 players and can be played solitaire. John Gorkowski'17 SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS BC 1.8 82.00 17/ 9 Stocked Simpler, strategic level, multiplayer game of England's 2-6wks Turnarnd attempt to preserve its dominance of the seas around the world, 1756-1805. Game is akin to War at Sea (and no relation to Excalibre's game of this same title), with sail-powered warships competing for control of naval areas. 2mo/turn, 1map, 6 countersheets. Stephen Newberg'17 TRIUMPH OF THE WILL BC 1.3 58.00 17/ 9 Stocked Elaboration of the several alternative history games XTR 2-6wks Turnarnd published in which Germany & Japan won WWII and then face off afterwards, as well as WWW's Tomorrow the World. Nazi Germany takes on Imperial Japan around 1948 across 2 area-move maps of the world. Uses an interactive system in which players alternate taking one action at a time - moving a military unit, placing reinforcements, lanuching an attack or a nuclear strike. 1yr/turn, army/fleet/airforce level, hi solitaire playability, 2 maps, 2 countersheets. Ty Bomba'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPASS GAMES PAPER WARS (Com_PW) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINNISH CIVIL WAR, 1918 #84 n 0.8 39.00 In-Stk: 122389 Mag & game. Two parallel games of the Finnish civl war in early 1918 using same map & most counters. Simpler Brigade-Level game uses a smaller counterset & faster moving game. Company-Level (standard) game uses more counters & different charts. Set as Finland establishes itself as an independent nation, and Soviet & Finnish communist forces from within & outside Finland respond. Map covers the more populous southern area of Finland. Units obstensibly company-level, reflect the amorphous quality of units in the war, with some btln/regt level. Victory based on ratio of control of all towns shown on the map. Many factors including unit's strength in each combat determined by die rolls. B.Train'17 / ARTICLES ON: Reviews of OSG Last Success, DG Red Dragon Green Crescent #1, ATO Beyond Waterloo, GMT Sekigahara; VPG Last King of Scotland, REV Road to Cherin; Designer's Notes on CPS Lamps Are Going Out Event Cards; Finnish Civil War Designer's Notes; History of the Finnish Civil War of 1918; History of the Franco-Prussian War; Interview with Benjamin Richter about his game, Kido Butai. NOMADS NO MORE #86 n 0.8 42.00 In-Stk: 123986 Mag & game. Two games of battles that occurred on the periphery of the USSR shortly after the Reds won their civil war. MONGOLIA depicts the invasion of Mongolia by fleeing White forces and their clashes with both Chinese & pursuing Red forces, 1920. Ungern-Sternberg'17. BOKHARA covers the Basmachi Revolt against Soviet rule in the Caucausus (now Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan), 1920-22. 114 counters, 2 maps. Enver Pasha'17 / ARTICLES ON: Past is Prologue in Central Asia Too; Reviewa of ADG Blitz!, VPG Ottoman Sunset, CPS Fall of the Third Reich 2nd, CPS Lamps Are Going Out, CPS Command & Colors Tricorne; Inteview with Ty Bomba; Additional Scenarios for CPS End of Empire; Preview of Thinking the Unthinkable design of WWIII in the immediate aftermath of WWII; Biographis of the War of the Grand Alliance; Designer's notes for Sovereign of the Seas; Interview of Bill Morgal & JOhn Poniske; Replay of CPS Saipan, the Bloody Rock. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRYPTOZOIC ENTERTAINMENT (Crypto) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASTER OF ORION BOARD GAME LB* 25.00 17/ 9 Special Order Board game based on the 2016 version of this classic PC game of the same name. Multiplayer game in which players are unique races, each with special abilities, all trying to amass superior resources to become master of Orion. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECISION GAMES (DecGms) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMERICAN REVOLUTION 2ND zl 0.6 25.00 In-Stk: 123677 Reprint of this complete reworking of this early, strategic lvl, area move gm of the entire war in N.America, 1776-1783. Greatly enhanced to include the entire theater including Canada, the frontier to the Mississippi River, Florida & the Carribean, and including Spanish & French participation. Lots of special rules giving color to life on the frontier, to mobilizing, to supply & to siege. 75mi/inch; brigade level. 1yr/turn. Campaign & short 4-turn 1775-78 scenario, 228 counters. T.Bomba'17 D-DAY AT OMAHA BEACH 3RD BC* 3.0 55.00 17/ 6 Stocked 3rd edition (2017) reprint of this solitaire (& cooperative 1-3wks Turnarnd 2-player) game of the first day on Omaha Beach as the US 1st & 29th Inf Divs land under intense fire & struggle to form a viable beachhead. A diceless combat system emphasizes using the right weapons & tactics. Event cards punctuate the action and control German strategy (in the solo version). Two scenarios cover the first 2 hours & the fight for the high ground; the campaign covers the entire day. 352 counters, 1 map, 55 event cards. 15-30min/turn, company level, 275yd/hex. 3rd edition has updated rules & a mounted mapboard. J.Butterfield'17 D-DAY AT OMAHA BEACH 3RD UPDATE KIT zl 2.0 25.00 17/10 Stocked Update kit containing 3rd edition (2017) map & rulebook 1-3wks Turnarnd intended to bring 1st or 2nd edition games up to current printing. '17 D-DAY AT PELELIU 2ND: UPDATE KIT zl 2.0 25.00 In-Stk: 126090 2018 2nd edition update kit with revised map & rules intended to bring a 1st edition game up to 2nd edition standards. '17 D-DAY AT TARAWA 2ND BC* 3.0 55.00 In-Stk: 123126 2017 2nd edition. Solitaire game of the US 2nd Marine's amphibious assault on Tarawa, Nov. 1943, to secure a strategic airbase. Uses the same system as the popular D-Day at Omaha Beach. This game adds rules covering LVT landing craft, movement thru coral reefs, night infiltration, Japanese tanks & US combat engineers. 4 scenarios including the initial landing, establishing a beachhead, an attempt at a 2nd day caputre, and last 2 days of the invasion. Includes 352 counters, 55 cards. J.Butterfield'17 D-DAY AT TARAWA 2ND: UPDATE KIT zl 2.0 25.00 In-Stk: 126091 2017 2nd edition update kit, with revised map & rules, intended to bring 1st edition copies up to current standards. '17 D-DAY AT TARAWA [PC] JC 0.3 19.99 In-Stk: 125203 PC (Windows 2000+, 3GB RAM) port of this solitaire game of the US 2nd Marine's amphibious assault on Tarawa, Nov. 1943, to secure a strategic airbase. Uses the same system as the popular D-Day at Omaha Beach. This game adds rules covering LVT landing craft, movement thru coral reefs, night infiltration, Japanese tanks & US combat engineers. 4 scenarios including the initial landing, establishing a beachhead, an attempt at a 2nd day caputre, and last 2 days of the invasion. '17 D-DAY AT TARAWA [PC] JC 0.3 22.00 17/ 2 Stocked PC (Windows 2000+, 3GB RAM) port of this solitaire game of 1-3wks Turnarnd the US 2nd Marine's amphibious assault on Tarawa, Nov. 1943, to secure a strategic airbase. Uses the same system as the popular D-Day at Omaha Beach. This game adds rules covering LVT landing craft, movement thru coral reefs, night infiltration, Japanese tanks & US combat engineers. 4 scenarios including the initial landing, establishing a beachhead, an attempt at a 2nd day caputre, and last 2 days of the invasion. '17 DRIVE ON MOSCOW 2ND zl 0.8 37.00 In-Stk: 124593 Update in ziplock format of game previously published in S&T 244, here with updated rules & graphics plus revised German OoB. Simpler, operational level game of the final German attempt to sieze Moscow in 1941. Covers the time from 1 Oct thru 7 Dec., from Kursk to Kalinin. 7.5mi/hex, div level, 1wk/turn. 2maps, 352 large counters. Joseph Miranda'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECISION GAMES S&T GAMES (DecS_T) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGRICOLA #306 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 124255 Mag & game. Game of the campaign waged by the Roman governer of Britain, Agricola, 82-84AD, to conquer northern Britain & Scotland. Goal for both sides is physical occupation of localities, destruction of opposing leaders & units. Uses the strategem system of prior Trajan series. 140 counters, 10mi/hex. Joseph Miranda'17 / ARTICLES ON: Agricola, the Roman Conquest of northern Britain, 78-85AD; Asymmetric Warfare & Modern Insurgencies; Battle of Kircholm 1605; Shiloh Campaign, 1862; US Army in WWI; Bren Universal Carrier; Lafayette Escadrille at Verdun; USS Herbert Thomas (destroyer). AMERICAN REVOLUTION IN THE SOUTH #304 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 124038 Mag & game. Game of 5 of the historical campaigns conducted in the Carolinas during the American Revolution, 1776-81. Includes 1776 North Carolina, 1779 Savannah, 1780 Overmountain, 1781 Green v Cornwallis, and 1781 Green v Rawdon. Emphasis is on leaders & leadership. 280 colorful counters, 8mi/hex, 50-1500men/unit, individual leaders. Eric Harvey'17 / ARTICLES ON: Southern War for American Independence; Bulgarian Liberation, 1877-78; Chemical Warfare in the 20th Century; Discovering PT-109; Raid on Shaik Sa'id, Yemen, 1914; Shadow Warriors, SOE & OSS; Corps of Canadian Voyageurs. ARMIES OF THE WHITE SUN #305 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 124597 Mag & game. Includes 5 errata counters for Desert Fox Deluxe 2nd #300. Solitaire game covering the battle for China from the Marco Polo Bridge Incident to the planned Operation GO-GO aimed at ending Chinese resistance in 1943. Player commands Japanese forces. Includes random events, and uses untried units for Chinese. Victory is geographically based. 18-24months/turn, 37mi/hex, 280 counters, Div/Corp/Army level. Ty Bomba'17 / ARTICLES ON: The War in China, 1937-45; Belisarius & the Reconquest of Africa; Pyrrhic Victory, the Lava Beds War, 1872-73 [near Tule Lake CA]; Vicksburg, Grant's Masterpiece; Opportunities to Win World War I; First Medal of Honor; John Riley, US Traitor & Mexican Hero; U-Boats in the Far East. COLD WAR HOT ARMOR: VIETNAM #307 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 123711 Mag & game. 2-player, low level tactical game of armored combat between various combatants during the Cold War era, in this case Vietnam 1954-75. First of a new game series. Emphasis on command control, combined arms & technology. 228 counters, sqd/pltn level. Includes 9 scenarios spanning the years from French involvement in 1954 thru the collapse of southern Vietnam in 1975, including the fantasy what-if of a US invasion of Laos to cut the NVA supply line directly. Additional optional rules can be downloaded. Joseph Miranda'17 / ARTICLES ON: AFVs in the Vietnamese Wars; the Third Punic War, 149BC; Siege of Santa Fe 1680; First Anglo-Afghan War 1839; Leyte Gulf. JENKINS' EAR, WAR OF... 1739-48 #308 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 124876 Mag & game. Strategic level game of the last of the ongoing conflict between the English & Spanish empires in the Caribbean Sea in the mid-1700s. Included the largest amphibious assault prior to WWII. Each individual ship of the line is represented, plus land units & prominent leaders. Players must manage production, defense of their key ports, and contend with weather & the seas. English must capture at least one Spanish port, and even then victory is not certain. 248 counters, abstract time units. Eric Harvey'17 / ARTICLES ON: War of Jenkins' Ear, 1739-48; Securing Texan Independence at San Jacinto 1836; French Armored Forces in 1940; Battle of Carrhae; Fort Frederica, Jenkins' Ear in Georgia; Career of Reuben Bernard; Geographic Determinism & the Russo-Japanes War. WAR RETURNS TO EUROPE, YUGOSLAVIA n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 119960 #303 Mag & game. With 30 variant counters for Duel on the Steppe #285 (6), Hindenburg's War #288 (12), Fail Safe #283 (12). Game of the initial engagements in Yugoslavia as that nation breaks apart. Begins in 1991 as Slovenia & Croatia declare independence, and ends in 1992. Federalist forces must fight low morale, politics as well as separatist forces to preserve the largest possible Serb-controlled territory. Slovenia & Croatia fight for independence and a more free-market based economy. 228 counters, rgt/brig level, 3 scenarios. J.Romero'17 / ARTICLES ON: War Returns to Yugoslavia, 1991; Battle of Fort Stevens, 1864; Battle of Culloden, Aug 1745; Julian's Persian Campaign of 363AD; Fauconberg's Attack on London; Saga of Captain Molly; Pale Rider of Gettysburg; Strange Case of Takur Ghar; Brazilian Expiditionary Force in WWII. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECISION GMS WORLD AT WAR (DecWAW) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASTOGNE SOLITAIRE #56 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 123268 Mag & game. Solitaire game of the German siege of Bastogne & the surrounding area, 19-26 Dec 1944, defended by the US 101st Airborne. Player commands US forces trying to hold out until Patton's forces can breakthru from the south. Can be played cooperatively by two players, each taking parts of the US defense. 176 counters. Germans approach via 4 tracks (roads) around the town. Co/Btln level, 1"-500yds. US goal is to hold out till Patton relieves the town, or to collapse German morale. Joseph Miranda'17 / ARTICLES ON: Battle of Bastogne; Allied Military Intelligence in the Pacific in WWII; Polish 10th Motorized Cavalry Brigade in 1939; Beowulf, the German Invasion of the Baltic Islands, 1941; Mussilini's WMDs; 4th Nigerian Rifles; Rescue of the 807 MAETS from Albania; Invasion of Luxembourg, 1940. COMMANDOS, EUROPE SOLITAIRE #55 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 124048 Mag & game. Solitaire game in which the player commands a team of commandos on missions in Europe & northern Africa during World War II. Missions are randomly generated; you choose the weapons & equipment to do the job, plan your approach & your escape, then go to it. 280 counters, low level tactical. 5 men/unit, 200m/hex, variable time frame. Eric Harvey'17 / ARTICLES ON: British Commandos in NW Europe, 1940-45; Defense of Java, 1942; Story of the 30th U-Boat Flotilla; LVTs in NW Europe in WWII; Washington-London Naval Treaties; the Japanese Oscar Fighter, Nakajima Ki-43; Kiwis at War; Poland's 10th Motorized Calvalry Brigade in France 1940. ESCAPE HELL'S GATE, KORSUN POCKET #57 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 125237 Mag & game. Game covering the final attempt of the German 3rd Panzer Corp to relieve the two corps of Germans encircled in the Korsun Pocket between 10-17 Feb 1944. Two battles are fought, with outside Germans attacking to break in, and the Soviets attempting to reduce the pocket. 280 counters, rgt/brig level, inspecific scale. Eric Harvey'17 / ARTICLES ON: Battle of Korsun-Cherkassy Pocket; Japan Surrenders, 1945; Serbian Collaborationist Forces, Auxiliaries or Clandestine Patriots?; Building the US Army in WWII; Curtis-Wright 21 Fighter; American Equipment & British Ingenuity in Northern Africa; Battle of Milne Bay, 1942. MIDWAY SOLITAIRE #54 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 124261 Mag & game. Solitaire game of the grander situation in the Pacific during the spring-summer of 1942 which culminated in the Battle of Midway but also including Coral Sea & the invasion of the Aleutian Islands. Player assumes command of US forces, and must defeat multiple Japanese forces and lines of attack with inferior numbers. Relatively complex as it mixes solitaire structures with both a strategic & operation game of naval operatons in the Pacific (with a fog of war). 176 counter, variable time frame (1-7 days), 1-4 ships/counter. Joseph Miranda, Eric Harvey'17 / ARTICLES ON: Grand Strategy in the Pacific, Coral Sea & Midway 1942; Escape of Jan Baalsrud, Norwegian Commando, 1943; Cossacks of the Third Reich; Rommel in Egypt & the Middle East; Germany's Type XXI Walter U-Boat; Below the Blitz, London's Firefighters; Adventures of Mad Jack Churchill. STALIN MOVES WEST #58 n 30.00 In-Stk: 126281 Mag & game. Game covering the hypothetical situation had Germany not invaded the USSR, but instead the USSR invaded greater Germany about 1941. 70km/hex, 1mo/turn, corp/army level. Soviet units have an untried side. Multiple scenarios depicting various what-ifs. 176 counters. '17 STRIKE & COUNTERSTRIKE #53 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 120247 Mag & game. Includes variant counters for Night Fight #44 (14), plus a 2pg scenario. Solitaire game of the Soviet counteroffensive against the German Army Group Center between Dec 1941 (with the Germans at the gates of Moscow) thru Apr 1942. Player controls the Soviet forces. Uses the Rampage (Stalingrad Cauldron, Panzers East) game system. Goals are basically geographic, and based on historical performance.20mi/hex, 2wks-2mo/turn, 208 counters, rgt/div/army level. Ty Bomba'17 / ARTICLES ON: Battle for Moscow, Dec 1941 - Apr 1942; Missed Opportunity, a Polish-Czech Alliance in 1938; 1st Marine Raider Battalion; Naval Battle of the Komandorskis, March 1943; Max Schmeling, Boxing Legend & Fallschirmjager; Battle for Attu in the Aleutians; Fw-190 Shrike. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECISION GMS MODERN WAR M (Dec_MW) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMBAT VETERAN #31 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 123727 Mag & game. 2 player game of contemporary tactical combat at the individual infantryman level. Includes historial scenarios for a firefight in the Mekong Delta, 1967, and Outpost Keating, Afghanistan 2009. Both involved a platoon-sized US force against a numerically superior enemy. 40m/hex. 280 counters. Eric Harvey'17 / ARTICLES ON: Infantry Tactics & Weapons in Vietnam; Iran-Iraq Air War 1980-8; Russia's Next Moves: Syria & Donetsk Republic, New Look Brigades; US Doctrinal Response, Uranus Unmanned Vehicles; Nonotechnology and the Military; Back to War in the Western Sahara; Zapad Train Excercise; US Fire Brigade in the Mid East; Battle of Wanat, Afghanistan, 2008; Modern Russian Main Battle Tanks; US Century Series Jet Fighters in 20th Century. ENDURING FREEDOM, AFGHANISTAN 2001-2 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 123149 #30 Mag & game. Operational level, solitaire game of the US-dominated & inspired invasion of Afghanistan. Begins in 2001 and concludes after Operation Anaconda in 2002. Player controls the so-called coalition of the willing. Goal is to destroy Al Qaeda & the Taliban, and establish a stable Afghanistan, a political reading of the war's purpose which ignores the Bush administration's grander aims in the world. Area move on a rather bland map of all of Afghanistan. Includes much of the multi-dimensional aspects of modern war. 176 counters. Joseph Miranda'17 / ARTICLES ON: US Invasion of Afghanistan 2001; Operation Kavkaz, Soviet Presence in Egypt, 1970-72; Uncertain Future of the Aircraft Carrier; Global Terrorism, Insurgency & Guerrilla Warfare in the 21st Century; Bolivia's Landlocked Navy; Nordic Model & Swedish Conscription; Indonesian Military Upgrades; the New Iraqi Republican Guard; US Navy's Littoral Combat Ship; 6 Generations of Jet Fighter. ISIS WAR, NEXT MIDDLE EAST WAR # 33 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 125871 Mag & game. Game set in the near future based on the perenial boogey man of many in the US, that Iran develops a nuke and uses it's military aggressively (quite contrary to US intelligence estimates of Iran's abilities & intent). Kurds declare their indepence from Iraq, join with Iranian & Turkish Kurds, and a regional war quickly results with Turkey & Iran & ISIS remnants facing off against US, Iraqi & Kurdish forces. Can also be played as an expansion to Oil War #2. Strangely, has little if anything to do with a war on ISIS. 18mi/hex, 3days/turn, brig/div/corp level. Ty Bomba'17 / ARTICLES ON: War on the Islamic State; History of Soviet & Russian Involvement in the Middle East & Africa; Modern Day Warlords; Eritrea vs Ethiopia, Frozen Conflict; Russian Zapad 2017 Military Excercises; Terrorism in Southeast Asia; Local Players in Syria; Sidi Ifni, Spain's Last War in Africa; Admiral Felix Budwell Stump; Special Operations in Vietnam. MOGADISHU, BATTLE OF... 1993 # 32 n 25.50 17/11 Stocked Mag & game. Game of the brutal & confused October 1993 1-3wks Turnarnd battle in the Somali town of Mogadishu depicted int he film Black Hawk Down. '18 OBJECTIVE HAVANA # 28 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 120852 Operational level, solitaire game of the planned but not executed US invasion of Cuba after the failure of the Bay of Pigs. Player controls US forces & assets on a point-point map of Cuba. System is mission-oriented, with player executing a string of specific missions including movement of air & land units, conventional & unconventional warfare, air transport & landing, amphibious movement. Outcome judged by points; even if WWIII occurs you might still win... J.Miranda'17 / ARTICLES ON: Missile Crisis 1962; Iraq & Iran at War, 1980-8; Rise of ISIS; Air War over Angola 1975-89; Special Ops, Mercs, Killer Robots; Russian Plans for Naval Bases in Latin America; Future Defense of Europe; China's Military Budget; Defending Israel's Natural Gas Fields; War in Mega Cities. OPERATION MUSKETEER #32 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 124057 Mag & game. Published with 52 additional units & markers for Combat Veteran #31. Game of the Israeli, French & English capture of the Suez Canal in 1956 & their attempt to impose a more favorable Egyptian government (to replace the popular, nationalist Nassar). Historical operations are depicted, with the eventual hypothetical of the USSR & US being drawn in militarily, and developing into a hot war confrontation with the possibility of nuclear exchanges. Emphasis is on command control modeled thru the use of independent activation of various national contingents. Includes air forces. 228 counters, 15km/hex, 1+days/turn. rgt/brig level. Joseph Miranda'17 / ARTICLES ON: Operation Musketeer, Invasion of Egypt 1956; Battle of Mogadishu, Somalia 1993; US effort to build Kajaki Dam in Afghanistan; Possibilities of a US-Russian Alliance in the 21st Century; Colombia's Peace Process; Australia's Defense; Logistics of Terrorism; Russia's Tu-16 Blackjack Bomber Today; Indian Artillery Saga; Reemergence of the Taliban; Houti Missiles & Saudi Arabia. PUTIN'S WAR # 29 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 123152 Mag & game. Includes Variant counters for Red Dragon/Green Crescent #1 (16), Kandahar #22 (23), Green Beret #18 (25). Simpler, strategic level game of a Russian attempt at resurgence in eastern Europe based on an understanding of Putin as aggressive and expansionist. Russia seeks a fast land grab aiming to restore its 1989 borders at the expense of many of its neighbors & former republics. Fast playing & well suited to solitaire play. Game shows evidence of having been rushed into production prematurely. 176 counters, Brig/div/Corp level, 55mi/hex, 3days/turn. Ty Bomba'17 / ARTICLES ON: Geopolitics in the 21st Century; Analysis of the Potential for an Isis Attack in the US; the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971; Strategic Implications of Global Climate Change; Nigeria's NDA, Reactivation of the Niger Delta Insurgency; Gerasimov Doctrine; Douth China Sea; Afghan Air Force; British Logistical Failures in Operation Iragi Freedom; Turkish Downing of a Russian Fighter, 2015; FV432 AFV. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAVINCI EDITRICE S. R. L. (DVG) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANG: ARMED & DANGEROUS KIT SC 0.6 13.00 17/10 Special Order Expansion kit for Bang containing 28 playing cards, 8 characters & 32 load tokens plus rules. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES (FFG) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIVILIZATION, A NEW DAWN BOARDGAME GB 39.00 17/11 Special Order [4TH] 2017 update. 2-6 player board game that loosely ports the Temp OoP/OoS classic computer game to a large, colorful board game format. Includes the key dynamics of the computer game - developing technologies granting new abilities, building wonders of the world, allocation of resources, all played with 784 plastic pieces (in 22 distinct types) on a 36x46" color board. Std & advanced rules. Origins Award in '02 for best historical board game. '17 TWILIGHT IMPERIUM 4TH GB* *** 112.00 17/11 Special Order HUMUNGOUS, enlarged & again revised version of this popular game of space exploration & conflict for 3-6 players. Remanents of a once mighty space empire compete to reassert control over the known universe. Game uses a tiled hex system as in Kings & Things and Settlers Catan mixed with systems for politics, trade, tech development & combat. Each player represents one of 17 races with unique qualities. System is streamlined in this edition, and includes 354 plastic pieces, 59 planet cards, 40 objective cards, 80 action cards, 50 agenda cards, 122 tech cards, 62 unit upgrade cards, & much much more.Incorporates earlier Distant Sun counters & abilities. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEARLIGHT GAMES (FLG) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAKER STREET: CASEBOOK #2 Fo 17.50 17/10 Special Order Kit including adventures for the Baker Street RPG. Theme is on cases & puzzles posed by Sherlock's brother, Mycroft. Includes 8 new cases. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLYING BUFFALO (FlyBuf) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACE OF ACES: ROTARY DELUXE 3RD HC 59.00 17/ 6 Stocked Reprint in a hardbound books of this first set in the Avail Uncrtn popular Ace of Aces game series. Several refinements in the booklets plus 15 cards showing characteristics of planes from late WWI w/ botching the system. Books now have pictures of actual Sopwith Camals v Fokker Dr1 triplanes on every page, tho not great ones. Unique picture book game of plane-plane combat 1916-7. Simple enough for spouses & non-gamers, fun enough for many replays. RECOMMENDED. 1st in the series. RECOMMENDED for both easy play and beginners. A.Leonardi'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GMT GAMES (GMT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1960, MAKING OF A PRESIDENT 3RD DC* 4.0 60.00 In-Stk: 125781 Significantly revised, 2-player game based on the 1960 presidential contest between Richard Nixon & John F Kennedy. Issues big & small arise that candidates must deal with, and then must adapt to the changing playing field on the run. Uses a card-driven system. This edition has upgraded components, enlarged campaign card deck, & elements of Twilight Struggle game system. 109 cards, 2 countersheets, 170 blocks. Jason Matthews, Christian Leonard'17 ARQUEBUS, BATTLES FOR N. ITALY BC 1.9 45.50 In-Stk: 125361 1495-1544 Game of battles in northern Italy during the years 1495-1544 at a time when gunpower was appearing on the battlefield. Uses the Men of Iron games series, and designed by a veteran designer. Includes 8 battles, 7 of which can be played on a half-sized map. Richard Berg'17 BATTLE LINE CARD GAME 6TH SB 0.8 16.00 In-Stk: 121707 5th reprint of this simple, fast playing, 2 player card game of ancient tactical combat during the time of Alexander the Great. Play is directed toward capture of opponents leader (flag) cards. Revised & enlarged from German Schotten-Totten game. R.Knizia'17 CHURCHILL 2ND DC* 4.2 63.00 In-Stk: 126321 2nd ed has some minor errata incorporated. 3 player game the rivalry between the 3 major Allies in World War II to both conclude the war & shape the post-war world: Britain, US & USSR. Players must cooperate to defeat Germany, yet compete to further their individual agendas. Represents the 10 conferences among the Big 3 from 1943-45. Each of the 10 conferences is essentially a "turn," with issues being nominated for disccusion at each conference (such as directed offensive, production priorities, strategic warfare, etc). Cards influence how the conference proceeds & is resolved. Includes both 2-player & solitaire rules. 2 shorter scenarios included. M.Herman'17 CLASH OF GIANTS, AMERICAN CIVIL WAR BC 1.4 38.00 In-Stk: 122339 Package of 2 games using a similiar system, covering the key battles of Second Bull Run (Aug 1862) and Gettysburg (July 1863) during the American Civil War. Uses game system developed in 2 earlier Clash of Giants games (both on WWI). Uses a chit activation system to select the Union corps or Confederate divisions that may move proving the uncertainty of command. Both battles were meeting engagements with units slowly arriving over time; system allows units to arrive late or along a different road. T.Raicer'17 COLONIAL TWILIGHT, FRENCH-ALGERIAN DC* 3.8 53.00 In-Stk: 123662 WAR 7th game in GMT's COIN (counterinsurgency) game series. Covers the exceptionally bitter battle for Algeria, 1954-62, as France resists to the bitter end the collapse of its colonial empire. Area move, with 71 cards, 110 blocks, countersheet. Designed for both solitaire & 2-player play, and also to be a good intro to the COIN game system. Includes corrected replacement cards. Brian Train'17 COMMANDS & COLORS, NAPOLEONICS: EPIC DC* 6.0 52.00 In-Stk: 120859 KIT 6th expansion kit for the C&C Napoleonics series. Focuses on allowing play of larger battles involving many more units. Consists of 2 game systems: the Epic Battles and the La Grande Battle system. Includes 20 scenarios of Napoleonic Battles, 3 sheets of terrain tiles, 2-piece Epic map (mounted) & 2-piece La Grand Battle map (unmounted), 150 wooden playing pieces. Reqs C&C Napoleonics base game, Spanish, Russian, Austrian, Prussian & Generals kits to play all scenarios. R.Borg'17 DOOLITTLE RAID, TOKYO 1942 BC 2.8 42.00 In-Stk: 124164 Game using the Enemy Coast Ahead system to depict the morale-raising US raid on Tokyo early in 1942. Using B-25 bombers launched from carriers, the US strikes the capital of Japan. Playable both as a 2-player game and solitaire. '17 DOWN IN FLAMES, WILD BLUE YONDER DC* 5.5 62.00 In-Stk: 126323 [2ND] Card game of World War II air combat, 1940-44. Represents a 2nd edition Down in Flames sans the title due to licensing issues. Fast playing & easy to learn. Artwork is very nice with aircraft depicted on one card deck and the game being driven by another, action deck. Covers air combat thru all of World War II between all major combatants. Variety of action deck has increased, new plane types introducted, and campaigns greatly expanded. Now includes 118 unique aircraft from Britain, Germany, USSR, Italy, US, Hungary & Romania. Also includes 182 named aces. Includes a solitaire campaign of defending Britain against V-1 attacks in 1944. 520 cards, 264 counters, individ aircraft scale. Verssen, Dan, Chris Janiec'17 FIELDS OF FIRE 2ND BC* 3.1 52.00 In-Stk: 125786 Reprint of this solitaire card game of infantry combat involving the US 9th Inf div in actions from WWII, the Korean War & the Vietnam War. Card decks build terrain & allow actions. A game covers a single mission in 1-2 hours, with units being squads or individual AFVs or aircraft. 770 counters, 220 cards. B.Hull'17 GENESIS, THE LATE BRONZE AGE:MOUNTED n 1.2 16.00 In-Stk: 126197 MAP Mounted map for this multiplayer game of the development of civilization thru the Bronze Age. '17 GUILFORD SARATOGA BRANDWINE TRIPAK DC* 6.0 45.50 In-Stk: 125637 [2ND] Reprint in one package of 3 games previously published separately. Each game includes some updated. Games inlcude Guilford Courthouse, Saratoga and Brandywine. Includes 2 double-sided mounted maps, thicker counters, replacement counters retrofitting all 8 previously published games. Mark Miklos'17 HERE I STAND 3RD ED: UPDATE KIT zl 1.4 25.00 In-Stk: 126326 Update kit containing all the new items from the 2017 500th Anniversary printing of this game, bringing a 1st or 2nd edition of to 3rd edition standards. '17 HERE I STAND, THE REFORMATION DC* 5.2 62.50 In-Stk: 125789 1517-55 3D 2017 500th anniversary edition. Card-driven game of the wars thruout all of Europe during the Reformation period, 1517-55. Combines the basic system of SPI's A Mighty Fortress with elements of GMT's Napoleonic Wars, including much more details on economics, army composition, wintering, and sieges. Still, it can be played in 3-10 hours with 3-6 players. W/ 4 countersheets, 110 color strategy cards. E.Beach'17 HOLLAND '44, OP MARKET-GARDEN SEPT BC 1.8 38.50 In-Stk: 125399 1944 Game of the Sept 1944 Allied attempt to capture an intact bridge across the Rhine and flood into the northern German plain, Operation Market-Garden. Covers both the overland & airborne offensives. Uses the Ardennes '44 (and Ukraine 43) game system. Includes key rules for supply, troop & armor quality, artiller, command control. 2 scenarios, 2 countersheets, 8hrs/turn, 2km/hex, company/btln level. Mark Simonitch'17 ILLUSIONS OF GLORY, GRT WAR EASTRN BC* 4.0 45.50 In-Stk: 124169 FRONT Game covering World War I on the Eastern Frong using the Paths of Glory card-driven game system. Focuses exclusively on the eastern front, and thus decreases the scale (compared to Paths of Glory). Includes the Italian & Balkan fronts as well. The massive but fragile Allied forces must best those of the Central Power forces of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria & Turkey. Cards make things tense as they can be used for the illustrated event on the card OR movement, combat OR replacement. Mounted map, 3 countersheets, 110 counters. Perry Silverman'17 LIBERTY OR DEATH 2ND DC* 5.2 57.00 In-Stk: 122342 Reprint of this popular game of the American Revolution using the popular COIN Counter-Insurgency game system. For 1-4 players, with multiple factions interacting (British, Rebels, French & Indians). Card-assisted play allows for brilliant actions, rabble-rousing, French entry, India raids, blockages, etc. The British initially have the initiative, strength & mobility, but can't be everywhere. The Americans must muster & preserve their strength and pick their battles carefully. Highly suitable to solitaire play. Includes 150 wooden pieces, 110 cards. 1yr/turn. H.Buchanan'17 MANOEUVRE: DISTANT LANDS KIT ZL 1.2 33.00 In-Stk: 125371 Must ship as a boxed item due to thickness of card decks. Complete game that is best used as an expanion to base game. Provides 4 decks of army cards for new nations of Sweden, India, China & Japan, each very different than each other as well as armies in the base game. Includes 8 small geomorphic map panels as well as a sheet of counters & rulebook. Fast-playing game of grand tactics battlefield command & combat in the general time frame of the Napoleonic Wars. '17 NEXT WAR, POLAND BC 2.2 63.00 In-Stk: 125639 4th game in the Next War series. This game covers what might happen if war breaks out on the western Russian border with Poland (a NATO member). Key question is whether the qualitative superiority of NATO/US forces will buy sufficient time for reinforcements to arrive to save the day from massed Russian forces. 1 map, 4 countersheets, btln/brig level, 3-5days/turn, 7.5mi/hex. Mitchell Land'17 NEXT WAR: SUPPLEMENT #1 KIT zl 0.4 15.00 In-Stk: 124786 Kit adding a number of new & advanced rules to the Next War game series (including Korea, Taiwan & India-Pakistan). Those include cyber warfare, alternate air war rules, subs, random events, etc. Also includes 342 counters, a new player aid card & a new sequence of play. '17 PERICLES, THE PELOPONNESIAN WARS BC* 4.5 60.00 In-Stk: 125403 4-player game (with 1-3 player rules) of the Greek Peloponnesian Wars using elements of the Churchill game system to depict the extention of politics thru other means. Two teams compete for dominance in 5th century BC Greece. Uses a unique issue preplanning system. Victory based on conquest & honor points. Includes 190 wood blocks, 88 cards, mounted map, 23 scenarios. Mark Herman'17 SIMPLE GRT BTLS OF HISTORY PLAYBOOK zl 0.5 16.00 In-Stk: 124502 3RD 2017 3rd ed reprint. Kit providing streamlined, fast playing series rules for the Great Battles of History system including a book w/ all scenarios from Delux Alex, SPQR, Caesar, Conquest of Gaul, Cataphract & their modules, now with other games published since the 2nd edition.. Allows simpler, faster play of existiing scenarios in this game series, and requires original games to play. R.Berg, M.Herman'17 SPACE EMPIRES 4X 3RD BC* 3.8 45.00 In-Stk: 126331 2017 reprint. 1-4 player game of galactic space eXploration, eXpansion, eXploitation & eXtermination! Players explore a largely empty map of space, discovering 12 types of space terrain including asteroids, planets, nebulae. Players can form colones for long term growth, or mining operations for quick income. And build ships from 10 classes and 50 levels of tech. And of course when empires meet, there is conflict... Multiple scenarios and very high solitaire suitability. 4 countersheets, mounted map. J.Krohn'17 TALON 2ND DC* 4.5 42.00 In-Stk: 124180 Reprint of this fast playing game of space combat between small fleets of dreadnought-type space ships using the "rules" of big-budget Hollywood sci-fi films. Players manage the power generated within each ship and how it is used to manuever, to charge a weapon, bolster defensive shields, etc. 2 mounted maps, 3 countersheets of unusually large, laminated counters. J.Krohn'17 UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER, WWII EUROPE BC 2.4 49.00 In-Stk: 125177 2ND Reprint of this 2-4 player, strategic level game of World War II in Europe & northern Africa. Games uses an army-level, low counter density system, and emphasizes planning and interaction among allies, as well as economics & production. 840 countersheet, 2 maps, army level, 1mo/turn, 2-4 players, 30-40mi/hex. S.Vasta'17 UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER: MOUNTED MAP zl* 3.2 28.00 In-Stk: 125374 SET Set of 2 mounted maps for Unconditional Surrender. Printed at the time of the 2nd edition reprint. 17 WELCOME TO CENTERVILLE BC 2.0 41.00 17/12 Stocked Fast-playing 2-4 player game of building & running a small 1-3wks Turnarnd town. Players are movers & shakers seeking personal fortune "in the public benefit." Requires skillful play to win, but chance is a big element to keep you guessing. Chad Jensen'17 WELCOME TO CENTERVILLE BC 2.0 40.00 In-Stk: 126233 Fast-playing 2-4 player game of building & running a small town. Players are movers & shakers seeking personal fortune "in the public benefit." Requires skillful play to win, but chance is a big element to keep you guessing. Chad Jensen'17 WING LEADER, SUPREMACY 1943-45 DC* 4.8 55.00 In-Stk: 123958 Second in an intended series of faster-playing games covering massed aerial combat in WWII in a unique & intuitively understandable way. This second game in the series covers theperiod in the last 2 years of the war in which the Allies gained dominance in the air. Presents squadron & flight-sized air battles using a unique side-view of the air space. Includes both European & Pacific theaters, with 48 aircraft from 7 nations' aircraft represented. Includes jet fighters & kamakaze attacks against picket defenses. Includes detailed air crew quality & special weapons like rockets. 4 countersheets, mounted map. L.Brimmicombe-Wood'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEXASIM GAMES (Hexasi) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUSTERLITZ 1805, RISING EAGLES BC 2.2 60.00 17/ 4 Stocked French-produced game with English & French rules. Covers one 1-3wks Turnarnd of the great victories of Napoleon's career, Austerlitz in 1805. Emphasizes orders from leaders to units, and this game makes changing orders more difficult than in prior games in this series. 4 countersheets, 2 double-sided maps, regt level, 250m/hex, 1hr/turn. Walter Vejdovsky'16 MED SIROCCO SC 1.2 30.00 In-Stk: 125817 French-produced, English-language card game for 2-6 players akin to Atlantic Storm, Modern Naval Battles and Pacific Typhoon. Played in 21 rounds with multiple players on each of two sides. A card is drawn to determine the kind of engagement: battle or convoy. Then players on each side commit force cards. Side with the largest total wins, then the one player that committed the plurality of force distributes the enemy ships & convoy (which are worth points). Lots of interactivity & continuous action. 165 cards. '17 TENKATOITSU BC 1.9 59.00 In-Stk: 126045 French-producted game with rules in English & French. Grand tactical game of the 3 largest battles of the Japanese Shoganate Wars of the 16th century: Yamazaki 1582, Nagakute 1584 and Sekigahara 1600. 250m/hex, 30-60min/turn. Francois Meulen'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGION WARGAMES (Legion) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMYANSK SHIELD, FROZEN FORTRESS 1942 BC 1.3 45.00 In-Stk: 124214 Game covers the campaign near the Valday Hills area near Leningrad in the first five months of 1942. Soviet winter offensive had broken the German lines, threatening to isolate 70,000 Germans around Demyansk and later the entire German 16th Army and open a supply line to Leningrad. Designed by a yeoman designer. Btln/rgt/brig level, 2mi/hex, 6days/turn, 352 counters. Vance von Borries'17 TARGET FOR TODAY, BOMBERS OVER THE BC* 3.0 59.00 17/ 7 Stocked REICH Update of a game previously publsihed as a print-it-yourself game. Solitaire game of the US daylight strategic bombing campaign in Europe late in World War II. Update & enlargement of earlier B-17, Queen of the Sky game, with revisions to make it as historical as possible. Player manages the crew of a B-17F or G, or a B-24D or J, bomber thru individual missions & over the course of a 30-mission tour of duty. Multiple manuals, 232 counters of varying sizes. Steve Dixon'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOONEY LAB (Loo) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMISTRY FLUXX SC 0.5 12.00 17/ 5 Special Order Card game in the Fluxx family focused on chemistry & the elements. Find the elements needed to combine to achieve a goal. Very fast playing, for 2-6 players. '17 DOCTOR WHO FLUXX CARD GAME SB 0.5 15.00 In-Stk: 125111 Fast-playing family card game for up to 6 players that integrates the themes of the Doctor Who show with the basic Fluxx game. The rules change, the good Doctor changes, as does some of his companions. This version includes creepers & surprise cards. '17 DRINKING FLUXX SC 0.5 17.50 17/ 7 Special Order Game in the Fluxx family focused on the fun of drinking alcohol. Players must collect the individual elements needed to complete a goal (eg beer & pizza).. Very fast playing, for 2-6 players. '17 JUST DESSERTS: JUST COFFEE KIT n 0.2 $3.50 17/10 Special Order Expansion kit for Just Desserts that adds 10 new cards. '17 MAD LIBS, ADULT VERSION, THE GAME SC 0.5 14.00 17/ 6 Special Order Game aimed at a mature audience that allows the possibility of suggestive words, but really its pretty mild. Combine a word card with a sentence card in an effort to create the funniest sentence each round. For 3-8 players, very fast playing. '17 MATH FLUXX SC 1.0 12.00 17/ 4 Special Order Game in the Fluxx family. Players collect cards with the individual elements needed to achieve a goal card. Very fast playing, for 2-6 players. '17 NANOFICTIONARY CARD GAME 2ND SB 0.6 11.00 In-Stk: 125110 Reprint. 3-6 Players build a short story into a series of cards using character, setting & wacky action cards. Vote on the best story for points. For 3-6 players, fast playing. '17 STONER LOONACY CARD GAME SC 0.3 10.00 In-Stk: 123572 Simple card matching game with a very mildly adult theme. Players must match their cards with either of 2 cards in the draw piles, discarding if first to match. First player to empty their hand wins. Card illustrations taken from Stoner Fluxx. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUDIFOLIE EDITIONS (Ludifo) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIGNY & WAVRE 1815, LAST VICTORIES Fo 0.6 30.00 In-Stk: 124789 French-produced game with English rules. Uses the Jours de Gloire game system to cover Napoleon's final 2 victories during the Waterloo campaign, 16-19 June 1815. Covers the battles of Ligny and Wavre where the French confront, defeat and attempt to pursue the Prussian Army. 2 maps, 432 counters, 400m/hex, 90min/turn, 5 scenarios. Frederic Bey'17 MARSHALLS, THE..., V4, JOSEPH Fo 0.5 25.00 In-Stk: 121034 Fourth game in The Marshalls series (published by different publishers). This volume covers Joseph's response to being surprised by the Anglo-Spanish attack on Madrid in Nov 1809. 216 counters, point-point map, 5 scenarios + campaign, div/brig level. Denis Sauvage'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAYFAIR GAMES (Mayfr) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1844 & 1854, SWITZERLAND & AUSTRIA DC 67.50 17/ 6 Special Order 1830 system applied to rail building & stock market manipulation in Switzerland (1844) and Austria (1854. For 3-6 players. Emphasis is on track building. Considered an advanced game in the series as it is a large game played over difficult terrain. F.Tresham'17 IRON DRAGON 2ND DC 42.50 17/9 Special Order Reprint with new graphics of this simple & worthy elaboration of the Empire Builder RR system to a hypothetical world w/ mythical races w/special track building abilities for crew, ships to ferry trains across seas, underground passages, teleportation between cities. RECOMMENDED for RR buffs, even those who generally don't like Orcs! D.Bromley, T.Wham'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-MAN PUBLISHING, (MMP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASL:ACTION PACK #13, OKTOBERFEST XXX Fo 0.4 20.00 In-Stk: 125888 II Scenario kit that celebrates the 32th ASL Octoberfest in Cleveland. Includes new boards #78 & 79, plus 11 scenarios. Involves US, Soviet, German, Polish, British, Japanese, Chinese, Free French & SS forces. Bill Sisler, Pete Shelling'17 ASL:STARTER KIT #1 3RD BC 0.9 20.00 In-Stk: 125940 2017 reprint of the 10th Anniversary (2nd) ed updates the rulebook with clarifications. Reprint of this complete game aimed at introducing beginners to ASL thru 6 scenarios pitting US or Soviet soldiers against the Germans (focused soley on infantry). Includes 280 counters, 2 maps, along with tutorial style rules. 2 min/turn, 40m/hex, squad level. '14 ASL:STARTER KIT #1 3RD BC 0.9 22.00 In-Stk: 125941 2017 reprint of the 10th Anniversary (2nd) ed updates the rulebook with clarifications. Reprint of this complete game aimed at introducing beginners to ASL thru 6 scenarios pitting US or Soviet soldiers against the Germans (focused soley on infantry). Includes 280 counters, 2 maps, along with tutorial style rules. 2 min/turn, 40m/hex, squad level. '14 ASL:STARTER KIT #1 BONUS KIT 2ND Fo 0.3 14.00 In-Stk: 125954 2017 2nd ed straight reprint. "Beyond the Beaches" Kit that supplements Action Pak #1 with 4 scenarios & 1 map (P), depicting battles immediately following the D-Day landings, early June 1944, with hedge rules. Reqs AP#1. C.Argent, K.Dunn, B.Youse'17 BAPTISM BY FIRE, KASSERINE, FEB 1943 BC 1.8 57.00 In-Stk: 125963 2nd game in the Battalion Combat (BCS) Series. Battalion level game of the German Kasserine offensive in Feb 1943. With relatively few units, short scenarios, and an often wild situation, this game offers a more accessible entry point to this game system. 3 1-map scenarios, campaign starts mid-way & end campaign, plus a full campaign (6 scenarios total). 2 maps, 560 counters. Dean Essig'17 PANZER BATTLES, 11TH PANZER ON THE BC 1.2 39.00 In-Stk: 125910 CHIR Game of the fire brigade-style battles fought by the German 11th Panzer along the Chir River to stem the tide of the Soviet Uranus Offensive, Nov-Dec 1942. Uses the Standard Combat System (SCS) at 2days/turn, 500m/hex, co/btln level. Play is interactive using a formation activation system. 4 scenarios including 2 short 1-map scenarios. 280 counters, 2 maps. D.Essig'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-MAN ASL JOURNAL (MMP_J) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASL: JOURNAL #12 n 0.6 22.00 In-Stk: 124755 40pg magazine including 12 new ASL scenarios (on cardstock), corrected scenario 181 from Yanks, and many strategy & analyses articles. A must for ASL fanatics. '17 ASL: JOURNAL #12 n 0.6 21.00 In-Stk: 124151 40pg magazine including 12 new ASL scenarios (on cardstock), corrected scenario 181 from Yanks, and many strategy & analyses articles. A must for ASL fanatics. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-MAN OPERATIONS MAG (MMP_Op) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL OPS WARGAMING JOURNAL # 7 n 0.7 20.00 In-Stk: 124155 With complete Autumn for Barbarossa game, a rgt/div level game using the Standard Combat System (SCS). Game over the battle for Smolensk in the late summer of 1941, and the end of the opening phase of Barbarossa. 6days/turn, 7mi/hex, 280 counters. Requires possession of or downloading of SCS standard rules (URL provided). Hans Kishel'17. / ARTICLES ON: Preview of Baptism of Fire; Play balance options & an Oct 1975 shorter scenario for Angola 2nd; Strategy in Operation Combat Series (OCS) games; Battalion Combat Series (BCS) Concepts that may shock; The Fine Points of Pillboxes in ASL; Preview of ASL Pacific Theatre Starter Kit; Soviet Strategy in Case Blue (mated with Enemy at the Games & scenario 7.8); Playabilty Ratings for Operational Combat Series (OCS) games for learning, short games, normal games, huge games. Includes ASL Scenarios O13-14, S60-61. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTHING NOW GAMES (NNG) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THUNDER ALLEY: CREW CHIEF KIT SB 1.2 17.50 In-Stk: 125579 Addon kit for Thunder Alley game providing pit crews to this game of auto racing aiming to add more strategic choices & control over your team's performance. Includes 236 cards: 32 conditional cards, 96 crew chief cards, 4 lap cards, 24 Race to Finish cards, 32 setup cards, 48 track cards. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE SMALL STEP (ONE), -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BINH DINH '69 Fo 0.4 18.00 In-Stk: 123509 Struggle for control of Binh Dinh coastal province in the Central Highlands of southern Vietnam in 1969, after the Tet Offensive. An ARVN division, a southern Korean division & a US airborne brigade take on the NLF and the 18th NVA regt. 140 counters. Brian Train'17 FALL OF BERLIN 2ND Fo 0.4 18.00 In-Stk: 123526 Solitaire game of the Soviet attack on Berlin, and the bitter battle that ensued, between 20 April and 2 May. Uses a sort of point-point map of Berlin. 24 event cards, 88 counters, 100yd/hex. Graber, Gary'17 GUDERIAN'S WAR, ADVANCE ON MOSCOW BC 2.8 50.00 In-Stk: 126245 1941 Simpler, 2-player game of the German Barbarossa offensive into the USSR during the summer of 1941, June-Sept. German goal is to capture more territory more quickly than was done historically. 16mi/hex, div level, 1wk/turn. Uses untried unit dynamic for most Soviet units. Ty Bomba'17 MIRACLE ON THE MARNE BC 1.3 35.00 In-Stk: 123510 Game of the battle of the Marne, Sept 1914, as the Allies sieze upon the open German flank to drive them back from Paris and apparent defeat. 1 map, 1.5 countersheets, rgt/div level, 15mi/hex. Jon Compton'17 NIPPON, NUKES & NATIONALISTS BC 1.2 40.00 In-Stk: 126064 Sequel to Nato Nukes & Nazis and War in France & Russia. Alternate history game where Nationalist China survives World War II, becomes a member of the Warsaw Pact, while Japan is rearmed as part of NATO in response. Then War breaks out across east Asia. 264 counters, 75mi/hex, 1wk/turn. Ty Bomba'17 NO TRUMPETS, NO DRUMS 2ND BC 2.8 46.00 In-Stk: 125155 Updated 2nd edition game of the US's 2nd Vietnam War, 1965-75, beginning with significant US ground involvement. Emphasis on the political consequences of military actions on the Vietnamese - & US - populations. Covers both conventional & unconventional combat, and the political goals that may not coincide with military goals. 6 scenarios (1965-68, 1968, 1972, 1975, 1969-72, 1973-75), 280 counters, 2mo/turn mounted map. Good game. Mark McLaughlin, Larry Tuohy'17 PUTIN STRIKES, COMING WAR EASTERN BC 1.2 39.00 In-Stk: 125154 EUROPE Game of the hypothetical situation were Putin's Russia to decide to go all-in with a bold, conventional war attack to the west, hoping for a short war that reshapes its borders . 1 countersheet. Ty Bomba'17 SECOND WORLD WAR BC 2.3 70.00 In-Stk: 126063 Highly strategic level game of the entirety of World War II in Europe, the Pacific & northern Africa. 3 maps, 4 countersheets. Can be played by more than 2 players. 3 maps, 4 countersheets. Peter Bertram, Randall MacInnis, John Powers'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE SMALL STEP COUNTERFAC (OneCFC) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1936, WHAT IF? THE RHINELANDS CRISIS n 0.5 20.00 In-Stk: 125142 # 4 Mag & Game. Game of the situation in 1936 as Hitler announces the remilitariliterization of the Rhineland area bordering France. What if the French had intervened at that juncture? Game posits that Germany would fall into civil war, that the Soviets would use the opportunity to invade, and so the French must fight their way to Berlin to install the government of their choosing. 88 counters, 1wk/turn, 40mi/hex. Ty Bombo'17 / ARTICLES ON: The Rhineland Crisis of 1936; What Would Machiavelli Tell the Ukrainians?; Britain, China and Japan's New Aircraft Carriers; Russia's Next-Gen Super-Tank Armada; Terrorism as a Strategy; Accidental Superpower Book Review; SitRep: Russia's New APC, China has wone the Battle of the Nine-Dash Line, US Camouflage Uniforms, Lockheed-Martin SR-72, Boeing X-51A Waverider, Growing Israel Dolphi-2 Sub Flotilla, US Army Cheetah Robot, Growing role of Special Forces Around the World. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSPREY MILITARY BOOKS (Osprey) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLACK OPS, TACTICAL ESPIONAGE Bk 0.5 12.50 17/ 2 Special Order WARGAMING Skirmish level miniatures game of tactical espionage & 2-6wks Turnarnd special forces actions (think the Bond & Bourne movies). Fast playing with high player involvement thruout. Players form their team from all sorts of people with special skills, and can choose to affiliate with organizations that may providie advantage but also limits in unpredicted circumstance. '17 BROKEN LEGIONS Bk 0.5 13.00 17/ 2 Special Order Fantasy miniatures rules set set in the Roman era. The 2-6wks Turnarnd empire's power is secured by divine artifacts. A small, secretive cadre of warriors scouts secrete hidden labyrinths to secure more such artifacts. '17 DRAGON RAMPANT, FANTASY WARGAMING Bk 0.5 10.00 17/ 2 Special Order RULES Miniatures game of fantasy combat in a magical world. Sequel Temp OoP/OoS to popular Lion Rampart. Includes army lists, many scenarios, with a focus on the need for command control. '17 FIGHTING SAIL, FLEET ACTIONS Bk 0.5 12.50 17/ 2 Special Order 1775-1815 Miniatures rules set covering small & large fleet Temp OoP/OoS engagements during the Age of Sail (from the time of the American Revolution to the Napoleonic era). FROSTGRAVE, FANTASY RPG IN FROZEN Bk 1.6 21.00 17/ 2 Special Order CITY Hardbound book with detailed rules of fantasy miniature campaigns in a frozen city. Includes magic. Can be played within a couple of hourse. LION RAMPANT, MEDIEVAL WARGAMING Bk 0.5 13.00 17/ 2 Special Order RULES Miniatures rules set focused on combat in the era of Richard 2-6wks Turnarnd the Lionheart and includes the Norman conquest of Britain to Hundred Years War. '17 ON THE SEVEN SEAS, AGE PIRACY Bk 0.5 12.50 17/ 2 Special Order 1500-1730 Miniatures rules set for warfare on the seas & land during Temp OoP/OoS the Age of Piracy & Adventure, c.1500-1730. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETERSEN GAMES (PTG) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTHULHU WARS, CORE GAME GB 140.00 17/12 Special Order Base game for a series focues on the conflict between Cthulhu cultists and investigators. For 2-8 players. Players assume role of Cthulhu itself, or any of several other evil monsters, then recruit cultists, cast spells, open interdimensional gates and awaken the Great Old One. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVOLUTION GAMES (Revolu) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CELLES, THE ARDENNES, 23-27 DEC 1944 zl 0.3 25.00 In-Stk: 122665 2ND Reprint of this first game in the Battle of the Bulge series using a chit activation system, and set at the high water mark of the German Bulge offensive, 23-26 Dec 1944. The Germans must make a desperate lunge for the Meuse while the Allies both try to blunt those moves & prepare for their own counteroffensive aimed at destroying the overextended panzers. Each sides' units are activated by chit draws which makes every game different & exciting. 1mi/hex, 12hrs/turn, 88 counters. Errata & French translated rules avail online. R.Miller'17 PATTON'S VANGUARD, ARRACOURT 1944 zl 0.5 25.00 17/ 7 Stocked Game of the battles surrounding Arracourt, France, in late 4-8wks Turnarnd summer 1944 as Patton's 4th Armored Div approached the German frontier. Played in 2 scenarios. In the first, 2 raw panzer brigades attacks the experienced & well-supported Americans. In the second, the 11th Panzer attacks Combat Command A & B. 176 counters. Publisher made a setup correction in black ink to all copies. Mike Rinella'17 RED TYPHOON, SOVIET COUNTEROFFENSIVE zl 0.4 26.00 In-Stk: 125314 2ND Reworking of game originally appearing in the Japanese edition of Command Magazine. Covers the early 1942 Soviet winter counteroffensive in front of Moscow that pushed Army Group Center away from Moscow. Game starts with the Soviets having made several breakthrus in the German line. Uses a traditional Ugo-Igo game system with a chit activation system superimposed; that system allows formations to either move, attack, or both, and not all units will be able to act at all. Units are retreated by the attacker and disrupted; this affects the course of the game. This edition alters allocation of Soviet activation, adds surprise, historical deployment. 200 counters. 4th game in the PanzerKorps game series. Shigeru Hirano'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEVE JACKSON GAMES (SJG) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OGRE 6TH: REINFORCEMENTS KIT FB 1.2 15.00 In-Stk: 122055 New & previously published components for the Ogre & GEV game system (6th edition). Includes new scenarios, new rules, & new units, updating this long out-of-print but popular kit. Includes 3 3D Panuero ogres, 5 new types of armor for both Paneuro & Combine, complete new set of infantry & armor, plus 2 new 3D command posts, town overlay, and 8 scenarios. '17 OGRE 7TH: MINIATURES SET 1 DC 30.00 17/12 Special Order First of an intended series of add-on kits including miniatures compatible with Ogre 6th (7th by our count) and Designers Edition. Includes 2 Combine Ogres (Mark III & IV), and Paneuro forces (8 heavy tanks, 6 missile tanks, 8 GEVs, 4 howitzers, 42 infantry & command post). Also includes Ogre Minis Lite rules. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULTRA PRO INTL (UPI) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 MINUTES, THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS BC $7.00 17/ 4 Special Order '62 Scaled-down card game derived from 13 Days board game focused on the incredible tensions & delicate diplomacy occuring during the 13 days of the Cuban Missile Crisis of Oct 1962. Card-driven boardgame that is very fast playing. '17 CHAMPIONSHIP FORMULA RACING CFR F1 FB 42.00 17/ 4 Special Order Game of contemporary Formula 1 auto racing based on the Temp OoP/OoS Speed Circuit game system. 2-4 players design then race cars at 220mph. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAE VICTUS STAND-ALONE GA (VaeVGm) ome.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBRECEN 1944 Fo 0.6 35.00 17/ 6 Special Order French-produced game with English rules. Game of the Soviet 4-8wks Turnarnd offensive near Debrecen, Hungary, October 1944, and the German counterattack by the isolated 8th army that threatens to isolate the Soviet mobile spearhead. 216 counters, btln/reg/div level, 5km/hex, 2days/turn. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAE VICTIS CERIGO EDITION (VaeV_C) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAUTZEN 1945 #135 n 0.8 29.99 In-Stk: 125655 Mag & game. Game covers a sharp battle between German & Soviet forces late in the war, April 1945 near Bautzen, on the road to Berlin. German armored forces give a sharp counterattack. French-produced, French-language magazine of military history of all eras but with a special fondness for Europe & French history. English-language rules must be found & downloaded from publisher's web site. LES 55 JOURS DE PEKIN #136 n 0.8 29.99 In-Stk: 125657 Mag & game. Grand tactical game of the short but bitter Boxer Rebellion that besieged the European compounds in Peking, 1900. French-produced, French-language magazine of military history of all eras but with a special fondness for Europe & French history. English-language rules must be found & downloaded from publisher's web site. NEERWINDEN 1793 #134 n 0.8 29.99 In-Stk: 125654 Mag & game. Operational level game of the 1793 campaign in the Neerwinden Valley of France, as the Austrian's again try to snuff out the newly founded French Republic. French-produced, French-language magazine of military history of all eras but with a special fondness for Europe & French history. English-language rules must be found & downloaded from publisher's web site. TEMPETE SUR DIXMUNDE 1914 #133 n 0.8 29.99 In-Stk: 125652 Mag & game. Grand tactical game of a battle in Flanders around the town of Dixmude, Oct-Nov 1914, between French, Belgian & German forces. French-produced, French-language magazine of military history of all eras but with a special fondness for Europe & French history. English-language rules must be found & downloaded from publisher's web site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAN VERSSEN GAMES (Versse) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-17 FLYING FORTRESS LEADER DC* 5.2 60.00 In-Stk: 126362 Solitaire game of daylight strategic bombing raids over Europe by the US 8th Air Force during World War II, 1942-45. Player must plan how best to damage the German war machine while also managing a flight of B-17s executing each planned mission, along with their fighter escorts. Includes 11 historical campaigns, a mini-campaign focused on one bomber surviving a 25-mission tour, a solo bombing mission focused on one bomber in one mission, and Down in Flames solitaire rules so that that game system of air-air combat can be used to resolve air-air combat (if desired; ownership of DIF required). Includes 336 cards, 6 countersheets, 1 mounted board. Fast playing, 30min/mission. Dean Brown'17 B-17 FLYING FORTRESS LEADER DC* 5.2 60.00 In-Stk: 126365 Solitaire game of daylight strategic bombing raids over Europe by the US 8th Air Force during World War II, 1942-45. Player must plan how best to damage the German war machine while also managing a flight of B-17s executing each planned mission, along with their fighter escorts. Includes 11 historical campaigns, a mini-campaign focused on one bomber surviving a 25-mission tour, a solo bombing mission focused on one bomber in one mission, and Down in Flames solitaire rules so that that game system of air-air combat can be used to resolve air-air combat (if desired; ownership of DIF required). Includes 336 cards, 6 countersheets, 1 mounted board. Fast playing, 30min/mission. Dean Brown'17 B-17 FLYING FORTRESS LEADER DC* 5.2 63.00 In-Stk: 126082 Solitaire game of daylight strategic bombing raids over Europe by the US 8th Air Force during World War II, 1942-45. Player must plan how best to damage the German war machine while also managing a flight of B-17s executing each planned mission, along with their fighter escorts. Includes 11 historical campaigns, a mini-campaign focused on one bomber surviving a 25-mission tour, a solo bombing mission focused on one bomber in one mission, and Down in Flames solitaire rules so that that game system of air-air combat can be used to resolve air-air combat (if desired; ownership of DIF required). Includes 336 cards, 6 countersheets, 1 mounted board. Fast playing, 30min/mission. Dean Brown'17 B-17 FLYING FORTRESS LEADER HC 42.50 17/6 Special Order MINIATURES Set of 21 metal aircraft miniatures to completement DVG's B-17 Flying Fortress Leader game. Also includes a mounted Europe map display. '17 DOWN IN FLAMES, LOCKED ON BC 42.50 17/12 Stocked Stand-alone game in the DiF game system which moves the Temp OoP/OoS system ahead to the 1970s-today, covering jet aircraft & combat. Includes many aircraft & several campaigns. The deadly nature of modern air-air weapons changes the nature of the game considerably. '10 I.A.F. ISRAELI AIR FORCE LEADER DC* 4.8 64.00 In-Stk: 124412 Solitaire game in which the player commands the pilots and squadrons of the Israeli air force during the length of the nation's existence, 1948 to present, using propeller-driven aircraft to the latest F-35 Stealth fighter. Presents 9 campaigns spanning Israel's existence. Basically a solitaire game, but can be played cooperatively. 336 cards, 8 countersheets. '17 SHERMAN LEADER DC 64.00 17/12 Special Order Solitaire game of tactical combat in northern Africa & western Europe between 1942 and 1945. Player commands US army forces in engagements with German forces, trying to achieve objectives while minimizing casualties. '17 SHERMAN LEADER / TIGER LEADER UPG DC* 6.8 64.00 In-Stk: 126061 BUNDLE Game & Upgrade Kit bundle. Solitaire game of tactical combat in northern Africa & western Europe between 1942 and 1945. Player commands US army forces in engagements with German forces, trying to achieve objectives while minimizing casualties. '17 / Tiger Leader Upgrade Kit upgrades Tiger Leader to Sherman Leader game standards with 4pgs of revised rules, new unit cards with armor projectile values (AP & HE), new enemy battalion cards, revised campaign cards, plus complete set of revised unit counters, and revised tactical display sheet. '17 TIGER LEADER: UPGRADE KIT HC 18.00 17/12 Special Order Upgrade kit for Tiger Leader bringing it to the standards of Sherman Leader. Includes 4pgs of updated rules, additional cards (projectiles, enemy battalions, campaigns), updated unit counters, revised enemy orders. '17 WARFIGHTER, WWII TACTICAL COMBAT BC* 4.4 39.00 In-Stk: 125459 CARD GM Card game of tactical combat on the Western Front during the last year of World War II. Can be played solitaire or with cooperatively with up to 6 players. You select your team and equip them with skills, weapons & gear within the mission's resource limit. Then fight your way thru the enemy to complete the mission. Uses a streamlined system where a single die roll can determine multiple events & outcomes. Includes nicely illustrated cards for US, British & German forces. 280 cards, 2 countersheets. Expansion packs available separately. '17 WARFIGHTER, WWII TACTICAL COMBAT BC* 4.4 42.50 In-Stk: 125462 CARD GM Card game of tactical combat on the Western Front during the last year of World War II. Can be played solitaire or with cooperatively with up to 6 players. You select your team and equip them with skills, weapons & gear within the mission's resource limit. Then fight your way thru the enemy to complete the mission. Uses a streamlined system where a single die roll can determine multiple events & outcomes. Includes nicely illustrated cards for US, British & German forces. 280 cards, 2 countersheets. Expansion packs available separately. '17 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 1 USA #1 KIT SC 0.3 15.00 In-Stk: 126060 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the US. '17 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 10 USSR #2 KIT SC 0.3 15.00 In-Stk: 126002 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the USSR. Second set for this nation. '17 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 11 POLAND #1 SC 0.3 15.00 In-Stk: 126059 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, Poland. '17 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 2 UK #1 KIT SC 0.3 15.00 In-Stk: 123623 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the UK. '17 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 3 GERMANY #1 SC 0.3 15.00 In-Stk: 126058 KIT Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, Germany. '17 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 4 GEAR KIT SC 0.3 15.00 17/ 6 Special Order Expansion set consisting of 56 cards of various sorts of gear (weapons, equipment & hostiles) added directly into the base games deck. '17 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 5 AMMO BOX GB 35.00 17/ 6 Special Order (Expansion set; detailed info not avail. '17) WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 6 USA #2 SC 0.3 15.00 In-Stk: 126057 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the US; second set for this country. '17 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 7 UK #2 KIT SC 0.3 15.00 In-Stk: 126056 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the UK. Second set for this nation. '17 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 8 GERMANY #2 SC 0.3 15.00 In-Stk: 126055 KIT Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the Germany. Second set for this key player. '17 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 9 USSR #1 KIT SC 0.3 15.00 In-Stk: 125502 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the USSR. '17 WWII TANK LEADER COMMANDER CARDS KIT SC 0.3 14.00 In-Stk: 126062 Kit that expands both Tiger Leader & Sherman Leader with 56 historical enemy commanders to influence your campaigns. Includes leaders from US, Great Britain, Germany, France, Poland, USSR & Japan. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VICTORY POINT GAMES (VPG) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRONTIER STATIONS SC 32.00 17/8 Special Order Game in which players command frontier space stations 2-6wks Turnarnd defending the empire from all enemies, domestic & alien. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST END GAMES (D6 LEGND) (WEG) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUNTA, LAS CARTAS CARD GAME BC 14.00 17/11 Special Order Port to a card game format of this longtime classic game of corruption in a banana republic. Simple & wild multi=player game of power politics with coups, corruption, favoritism, mistressses & more. If your faction isn't receiving a big enough cut of graft from El Presidente, then collude with others to delcare a coup & shake things up so you do get your share. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIZARDS OF THE COAST (Wizard) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AXIS & ALLIES, 6TH ANNIVERSARY ED GB 85.00 17/10 Special Order Overly huge, 2017 Anniversary edition. Adds further rules updates & streamlined game play. Now with over 650 playing pieces. 2-6 player, fast moving, fun game of WW2 w/ varying unit capability, production and diplomacy. RECOMMENDED & certain to go out of print quickly. L.Harris'17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORTHINGTON GAMES (Worthi) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAND OF BROTHERS: BATTLE PACK I, BC* 3.2 35.00 In-Stk: 124448 EPICS Expansion kit with 8 scenarios for the Band of Brothers game series. Includes a double-sided full-size map, and a full countersheet of new unit types. Requires Screaming Eagles, Ghost Panzer & Texas Arrows to play all scenarios. '17 HOLD THE LINE, AMERICAN REVOLUTION FB* 5.8 65.00 In-Stk: 122245 2ND 2017 2nd edition now including 190 plastic minis. Game covering tactical level combat during 12 key battles of the American Revolution plus battles from the 1759 French & Indian War (previously published as Clash for a Continent). Terrain constructed w/ dbl-sided tiles. Covers battles of Long Island, Harlem Heights, Princeton, Trenton, Hobkirk's Hill, Eutaw Springs, Bemis Heights, White Plains, Kings Mtn, Brandwine & Monmouth. 2nd edition includes additional scenarios plus over 190 plastic minis in 5 varieties. '17 HOLD THE LINE: FRENCH & INDIAN WAR BC 1.5 31.50 In-Stk: 124856 KIT2D Updated & enlarged 2nd edition kit adding the rules, 12 scenarios, French & Indian units, etc, to cover battles from the French & Indian War of 1759-61 using Hold the Line. 2nd edition includes plastic minis for French, Indian & ranger forces, plus new terrain tiles. '17 HOLDFAST, ATLANTIC FB 2.8 49.00 In-Stk: 123511 Strategic level, block system game of the naval battle for control of the Atlantic Ocean during World War II. German & Italian U-boat & surface fleets threaten the convoy routes that the Allies depend upon. Surface & sub forces contest control of sea areas surround Europe during WWII. Fast playing & relatively accessible game system. '17 HOLDFAST, EASTFRONT 1941-45 [2ND] FB 2.6 55.00 In-Stk: 125158 Remastered update of Holdfast Russia, expanded to include the whole of the War in the East, with map extending to Berlin, plus extended OoB and 3 additional scenarios. Strategic level, block-style, relatively simple & fast-playing game of the War in the East, 1941-45. Army level. G & M.Wylie'17 HOLDFAST, PACIFIC 1941-45 FB* 3.4 54.00 In-Stk: 123512 Strategic level, block system game of the entire war in the Pacific during World War II, 1941-45. Fast playing, relatively simple & accessable game that encompasses naval & air power, land unit control of islands & all-important airbases. '17 PEMBERTON & GRANT, VICKSBURG 1863 BC 2.0 45.50 In-Stk: 123531 Block system game covering Grant's 1863 campaign to capture the crucial city of Vicksburg from the Confederates under Pemberton, and with it control of the Mississippi River. Uses a point-point map. Fast playing, easy-to-learn game system. '17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z-MAN GAMES (Z-Man) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARCASSONNE BIG BOX 2017 [LIMITED GB 56.00 17/10 Special Order EDITN] Limited edition printing of the base Carcassone game plus 5 expansions all in one box. Pieces for each expansion are marked separately. Rules expanded to include info on how the expansions interact in play, plus an parts inventory. 2 new colors added as well, allowing up to 8 players. '17 195 Items listed here for your shopping pleasure. [IM_NuPn2:2017] Newly Released Gaming Items Listed by Publiher