NEW GAMES & ACCESSORIES Published in * 4 / 2016 * All Wargames, Family Games, Magazines & Accessories reported as of 12-28-16 13:36 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĪ ³ What you see here are games by their PUBLICATION DATE (YY/MM). ³ ³ This listing is NOT a catalog; games shown here have changed ³ ³ price or even gone out of print & ceased to be available. Check ³ ³ regular catalogs for current availability & pricing. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA email: Web: Phone: 866-690-7879 10am-9pm -or- 541-756-4711 10am-9pm Publsr / Game Title & Edition (Mag#) Box Est Price Release Date Part# (In-Stk) Specific Condition & Topic Notes Typ Wgt (Cash) YY/MM Ordr Turnaround ------ ----------------------------- --- --- ------ ------------ --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGAINST THE ODDS MAGAZINE (Agains) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RED DRAGON, BLUE DRAGON #45 HP 1.3 29.00 In-Stk: 115854 Mag & game. Game covers the largely unknown (in the west) yet decisive Huaihai campaign of the Chinese Civil War near the city of Xuzhou from Nov 1948 - Jan 1949. The Communists must quickly capture this key city, or cause very heavy casualties on the Nationalists to win. Corp level, 1wk/turn, 20km/hex, 160 counters. E.Dixon'16 / Also includes mini-game Dueling Eagles! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPASS GAMES (Compas) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOD KINGS, DAWN OF CIVILIZATION 2ND BC 1.9 48.00 In-Stk: 115258 Reprint of this 2-4 player strategic level, card-driven, multiplayer game of "antiquity", 15th-13th century BC. Object is to establish the historical empires & be the biggest & baddest. '16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPREEN GROUP (CPR) - none - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PASS THE GRASS FB 19.00 16/ 4 Special Order Simple, 2-6 player game focused on marijuana. Players roll dice to go around a board, and roll figurative joints in doing so. Point of the game is to find the perfect buzz while completing funny challenges & your lust for munchies. Cliched, mindless fun. '16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECISION GAMES S&T GAMES (DecS_T) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST CRUSADE #299 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 118184 Mag & game. Solitaire game of the First Crusade in the Middle East, 1097-99. The player controls the Crusader forces and allied Byzantine & Cilician Armenian forces; the system controls the Seljuk Turks & Fatimids (& Assassins). The goal is to conquer the Holy Land while also doing some good deeds for Christensom. 176 counters, point-point map, seasonal turns. J.Miranda'16 / ARTICLES ON: the First Crusade, 1097-1099; Wings over the Alps, Airpower on the Italian Front in WWI; 507th Maintenance Company Battle, Iraq 2003; French Corsair Raider Jean Leger de La Grange, 1704; F-117 Nighthawk; Joan of Arc; Electrified Fence Along Dutch Border during WWI; Malaysian Counterinsurgency, 1946-60; Assyrian Siege Machine; the First Iron Warship. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECISION GMS WORLD AT WAR (DecWaW) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUEL IN THE NORTH #48 n 0.9 25.50 In-Stk: 115652 Mag & game. Includes one errata counter for Red Tide West. Game of Army Group North's drive on Leningrad during the summer of 1941, June-Sept. Uses the Sedan game also used in Tobruk & Duel on the Steppe, including a unit activation system. Single scenario, with both historical & free setups. 12.5mi/hex, Div level, 228 counters. Map is larger & covers a broader area than Leningrad game on same subject. P.Youde'16 / ARTICLES ON: Army Group North's Campaign in 1941; Development of Allied Close Air Support in the Europeon Theater of WWII; the Third Battle of Changsha, China, Dec 1941-Jan 142; Melvin Purvis, FBI Agent, in WWII: Origins of British WWII Commandos; German Flackpanzers in WWII; Orde Wingate, Lawrence of Ethiopia; Rangers at Pointe du Hoc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GMT GAMES (GMT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BATTLE LINE CARD GAME 5TH SB 0.8 15.00 In-Stk: 117131 4th reprint of this simple, fast playing, 2 player card game of ancient tactical combat during the time of Alexander the Great. Play is directed toward capture of opponents leader (flag) cards. Revised & enlarged from German Schotten-Totten game. R.Knizia'16 BLOODY APRIL: EAGLE OF LILLE KIT zl 1.0 18.00 In-Stk: 118287 Kit extending the base game's coverage to follow the career of German ace Immelmann & others during Aug 1915 - early 1917. Adds 7 scenarios, 1.5 countersheets, a map, and cards for 13 aircraft. Also adds an extensive array of additional rules. S.Paul, T.Simo'16 UNHAPPY KING CHARLES: MOUNTED MAP n 1.6 15.00 In-Stk: 117780 Thick, mounted map for the base game. '16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-MAN PUBLISHING, (MMP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASL:BEYOND VALOR 4TH DC* 4.0 99.00 In-Stk: 118473 Revised & upgraded first Module for the ASL system. Includes German, Finn & Soviet counters, 10 maps (#1-5,8,20-23), 13 countersheets & 24 scenarios (10 from earlier editions & 14 published in prior ASL Annuals). Stripped of Red Barricades material included in earlier editions. Reprinted. '16 ASL:BEYOND VALOR 4TH DC* 4.0 95.00 In-Stk: 114693 Revised & upgraded first Module for the ASL system. Includes German, Finn & Soviet counters, 10 maps (#1-5,8,20-23), 13 countersheets & 24 scenarios (10 from earlier editions & 14 published in prior ASL Annuals). Stripped of Red Barricades material included in earlier editions. Reprinted. '16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLASTIC SOLDIER CO. (PSC) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREAT WAR LB* 5.0 62.00 16/ 4 Special Order Game of tactical combat during World War I in the trenches on the Western Front. Richard Borg's Commands & Colours system provides detailed, preassembled 1/100 scale minis depicting German & British tanks, artillery, crew and infantry. Of course there aren't many in a box, so you need a bunch... R.Borg'16 GREAT WAR: TANK EXPANSION KIT FB 2.6 39.00 16/ 4 Special Order Kit adding 6 detailed British & German WWI tanks, 2 German artillery & 8 crew figures, 2 countersheets of terrain & tokens, new rules & 22 scenarios. Bassically a Memoir '44 set in WWI. R.Borg'16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UDO GREBE GAME DESIGN CO. (UGG) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDIEVAL CONSPIRACY DC* 3.9 55.00 In-Stk: 115451 2-6 player card & board game in which players are a noble family in Germany during the Middle Ages seeking to gain votes to be elected the new Holy Roman Emperor. Play is motivated by Action & Event cards which players bid on or receive from the deck, and play as part of their turn. Cards can have numerous & special affects, making each game unique. Board printed in German words & script, but game components otherwise in English. Includes 161 cards, 352 blocks, mounted map. U.Grebe'16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VICTORY POINT GAMES (VPG) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONQUEST AT KISMET SC 0.5 25.00 In-Stk: 116712 Card game with a unique flavor. Two large space ships duel for the resources in an area of space. Game uses a lottery-like method of combat resolution, making for unique forms of card game mechanics. J.Vales'16 DAWN OF THE ZEDS, BTL FOR FRARMINGDL DC* 4.8 66.00 In-Stk: 118256 3RD Boxed, enlarged 3rd edition of this solitaire game of zombie horror & survival. You must organize a defense of your isolated corner of the world, and hold out until a national guard relief force fights its way thru to you. Fight off the zombies while protecting the remaining living inhabitants of the town of Farmingdale. You must also prevent so much destruction that the government collapses, ending any hope of rescue. 3rd edition includes 17 heroes, 6 levels of complexity, 2-4 player cooperative play, head-to-head 2 player play, quick learning version. Includes double-sided board, 200 cards, 188 counters, several rule & play books. '16 15 Items listed here for your shopping pleasure. [IM_NuPn2:2016] Newly Released Gaming Items Listed by Publiher