NEW GAMES & ACCESSORIES Published in * 9 / 2009 * All Wargames, Family Games, Magazines & Accessories reported as of 01-10-11 22:05 > > What you see here are games by their PUBLICATION DATE (YY/MM). < < > > This listing is NOT a catalog; many games shown here have since < < > > gone out of print & ceased to be available. Check our catalogs < < > > for actual availability. < < Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA email: Web: Phone: 866-690-7879 10am-9pm -or- 541-756-4711 10am-9pm Publsr / Game Title & Edition (Mag#) Box Est Cash Release Date Part# (In-Stk) Specific Condition & Topic Notes Typ Wgt# PriceEA YY/mm Ordr Turnaround ------ -------------------------------- --- ---- ------- ------------ --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALEA MAGAZINE (LUDOPRESS) (Alea) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KURSK 1943, LA PINZA SUR PT 2 # 33 n 0.5 $18.00 09/ 9 Stocked w/52pg mag. Pt 2 of 2 parts of game; 1st half printed in #31. Kursk Please Call is a rgt level game of the German's Summer 1943 offensive. Includes about 340 counters in mag that must be mounted & cut apart. Also include LA SOMBRA DEL AGUILA, a game of 2 Napoleonic btls set in Spain, Somosierra, Nov 1808, & Madrid, Dec 1808. Spanish magazine with ALL material in Spanish; includes Englished translated rules to Kursk, & translation avail at '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASMODEE EDITIONS (Asmode) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIXIT FB $26.00 09/ 9 Special Order Party game in which one player is a storyteller speaking a word or sentence related to a picture; other players must chose among 6 pictures available to them based on the story. Greatest score at end of game wins. '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVALANCHE PRESS, LTD. (Avalan) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREAT WAR AT SEA, V.7: GRT WHITE FLT 2D Bk 0.3 $15.00 In-Stk: 91015 Upgraded kit consisting of a 64pg scenario book for this great naval war series. Includes scenarios for the pre-dreadnought era with 30 scenarios (many new in this edition). '09 PANZER GRENADIERS: PANZER LION KIT Bk 0.2 $8.00 In-Stk: 93252 Scenario kit for PG containing 10 scenarios set during Von Manteuffel's Grossdeutschland's destrcution of 4 Soviet tank corps. '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLIOPE GAMES (Callio) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSURO, THE GAME OF THE PATH FB $25.00 09/ 9 Special Order Abstract, 2-8 player game where you move your stone across a path 2-6wks Turnarnd while opponents attempt to take you off-path or off the board! '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEPIA GAMES (Cepia) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BISIKLE RACE GAME LB* $32.00 09/ 9 Special Order Bisikle is a sort of bicycle racing game using a slot-racing type of 2-6wks Turnarnd track that can be configured in any number of ways, and played with a ZBall (a marble with an internal mechanism). Goal is to "flick" your way past all sorts of obsticles to the finish line. Includes 57 track pieces (13' in length), with add-ons avail. '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECISION GAMES (DecGms) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCED PACIFIC THEATRE OF OPERATNS LB* 3.3 $88.00 In-Stk: 92079 Thoroughly revised, reworked & enhanced game of WW2 thruout the Pacific theater at a strategic scale but now with extensive & researched detail. Covers from the Japanese invasion of China in 1937, the Soviet-Japanese clash in 1939, to all of the War in the Pacific thru 1945. Can be linked with Adv European Theatre of Operations. Includes 2 full sized maps of of Asia & the Pacific, 1680 counters including counters for every capital ship & most aircraft types, more detailed production model, and many scenarios. '09 AFRICA ORIENTALE ITALIANA zl 0.8 $29.00 In-Stk: 90755 Kit for both Adv Euro & Adv Pacific Theatre of Operations. Begins with Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 and continues thru the Middle East into WW2. Includes a map of India & the India Ocean so as to mate with APTO, & a map of Spain & the Atlantic to mate with AETO. 280 counters (including an AETO upgrade to aircraft). '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECISION GMS WORLD AT WAR (DecWaW) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRIBA ESPANA! 4TH # 8 n 0.9 $19.25 In-Stk: 90274 4th edition of this small game of the Spanish Civil War, 1936-9, played on an 11x17 color, area map of Spain, w/ 280 die cut color counters. A decent, playable game of this bitter civil war. Packaged in a metal tin. B.Train'09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES (FFG) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AD ASTRA FB 2.7 $45.00 09/ 9 Stocked 2-5 player game in which human sub-races explore the galaxy looking for new, inhabitable planets. Game has a modular design, and moves must be planned in advance. B.Faidutti, S.Laget'09 DESCENT: QUEST COMPENDIUM KIT Bk $18.00 09/ 9 Special Order Kit in the form of 96pg book of 16 of the most deadly & difficult scenarios for this game. '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRED DISTRIBUTION (Fred) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAILWAYS OF THE WORLD LB* 8.2 $59.00 In-Stk: 90468 Revision & renaming of earlier Railroad Tychoon, now including Eastern US & Mexico variant games. Port of this early, classic software title to a board game. 2-6 players build a railway system in the American east of the Mississippi, connecting cities to generate passengers & frieght, then supply the goods where they are in demand. Includes a colorful map of the easter USA, hex tiles for laying track. '09 ROLL THROUGH THE AGES 2ND SB 2.3 $30.00 In-Stk: 93406 2nd ed improvements include redesigned scorepad & pegs & dice. Games Mag 2010 "Best Family Game" winner. Simple, fast playing 1-4 player game of collecting resources, assigning workers to projects, and advancing your civilization thru cultural & scientific endevor. M.Leacock'09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNDEX GAMES, LTD. (Fundex) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIZARD OF OZ BOARD GAME LB* $29.00 09/ 9 Special Order Simple multiplayer game based on the Wizard of the Oz theme. Players battle winged monkeys, escape the Wicked Witch's castle, find hearts, brains & courage, and click their heals on their way to the Emerald City. '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GMT GAMES (GMT) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1805, SEA OF GLORY BC 1.8 $42.00 In-Stk: 91460 Operational level game of the naval war early in the Napoleonic Wars. Aside from the major action at Trafalgar, it was the British blockading of French forces that kept the French from concentrating superior forces & successfully challenging the Brits. All ships from 64-guns on up are represented. P.Fry'09 COMMANDS & COLORS, ANCIENTS 3RD DC* 5.0 $45.00 In-Stk: 90828 Reprint of 2nd ed with mounted boards, its 5 addtl scenarios, slightly changed dice stickers, some clarifications (but no rules changes) & a couple of mistaken rules changes (fixed online). Block-system game covering 15 battles between the Romans & Carthaginians at a tactical or grand tactical scale. Command card system drives movement & offers fog of war. Includes 345 wood blocks, 60 cards. Includes battles of Akragas 406BC, Crimssos River 341BC, Bagradas, Ticinus River 218BC, Lake Trasimenus 217BC, Cannae 216BC, Dertosa 215BC, Castulo 211BC, Baecula 208BC, Ilipa 206BC, Zama 202BC, Trebbia, Dertosa, & others. R.Borg'09 PQ-17, ARCTIC NAVAL OPERATIONS 1941-3 BC 2.8 $49.00 In-Stk: 90551 2-player game of the naval war during WW2 in the Barents & Norwegian Seas as the western Allies attempt to supply the USSR. Uses a block system to provide liimited intelligence, with each block being a task force of varying size of similar ships or subs, or a dummy. 58 blocks, 416 counters, 80 cards. C.Janiec'09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGION WARGAMES (Legion) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICI, C'EST LA FRANCE!, ALGERIAN 1954-62 BC 1.2 $38.00 In-Stk: 90496 Game of the bitter Algerian War for independence from France, 1954-62. Unique design includes 3 dimensions of conflict: political, insurgency & overt military. Ultimate purpose is to sour the French publics' will to fight or to win the hearts & minds of the Algeria. Qtrly turns, rgt level, 344 counters. K.Kanger'09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCK 'N LOAD PUBLISHING (LocknL) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAND OF HEROES: BATTLE PACK BRAVO KIT zl 0.2 $22.00 In-Stk: 92134 Scenario kit for the Lock 'n Load series of games including Band of Heroes & Noville. Includes 12 scenarios from Normandy to Hurtgen Forest & Monte Cassino. '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOONEY LAB (Loo) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARTIAN FLUXX SB $13.00 09/ 9 Special Order A new, stand-alone version of Fluxx, now based on an invasion of Earth by Mars. Martians have great weapons, the Earth has germs, the army & the Important Leader. '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAYFAIR GAMES (Mayfr) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATAN DICE GAME DELUXE SB $20.00 09/ 9 Special Order Updated version with higher quality, colorful dice & leather dice cup. Dice game following in the vein of Settlers of Catan. Up to 6 players roll dice to do much of the things of Catan. Fast playing. '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONGOOSE PUBLISHING (Mongoo) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUDGE DREDD, THE ROLE PLAYING GAME 2ND BC $35.00 09/ 9 Special Order Update of this role playing game in which players get to be police, judge & executioner in the effort to clean up the streets & maintain order in a chaotic future urban environment. M.Gacoigne, R.Priestly'09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVISTAS PROFESSIONALES (RevPro) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARGAMES, SOLDIERS & STRATEGY MAG # 47 n 0.8 $9.00 09/ 9 Special Order (Spanish produced, English language, historical, miniatures-oriented 1-3wks Turnarnd mag. Includes articles on: ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIO GRANDE GAMES (RIO) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHICAGO EXPRESS: NARROW GAUGE/ERIERR FB $22.00 09/ 9 Special Order KIT Kit combines what had been the Wabash Cannonball Erie & Narrow Gauge kits into one box. '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHROEDER PUBL & WARGAMNG (SPW) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DER WELTKRIEG, OTTOMAN FRONTS BC 2.1 $52.00 In-Stk: 93116 7th game in the Der Weltkrieg series of simpler, op/strategic games on WW1 battles & campaigns. This edition is essentially 5 games all covering the various fronts of the Ottoman Empire in WW1: the Caucasus 1914-7; the Suez 1915-8; Mesopotamia 1914-8; Gallipoli 1915; Greece 1915-8. 20km/hex, 4days/turn, brig/div level, 840 counters, 4 maps. '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TROLL LORD GAMES (TrollL) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STARSIEGE: EVENT HORIZON BC 2.0 $22.00 09/ 9 Special Order Sci-fi role playing game allowing flexibility in your style of gaming, and serves as a toolkit for sci-fi adventures. Uses the Siege Engine system. Includes 1 adventure. J.Chewning'09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWILIGHT CREATIONS (Twilig) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEADLANDS, THE BOARD GAME FB 2.1 $35.00 In-Stk: 90465 Board game set in the "Weird West" universe of Deadlands. Players pick an outfit, an objective, collect ghost rocks & try to dominate the town before time runs out. Played on a board formed with tiles, played with cards. 2-6 players. '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAE VICTUS MAGAZINE (VaeVic) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATION APOCALYPSE, VIETNAM 1966 #10 n 1.0 $16.00 In-Stk: 93752 w/68pg mag. Low level, tactical game of the 1st Air Cav's attack on a hypothetical Viet Cong held village, c.1966, in multiple scenarios. Also, Section d'Assaut is a card game of individual weapons & people in WW2. French all color, glossy mag including minis coverage, history & a game in each issue. ALL material in French; translated game material for most games available at '96 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINNING MOVES (WMI) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONOPOLY, THE CLASSIC EDITION LB* $19.00 09/ 9 Special Order Reprtint with quality components of this all-time classic game of hording the cash. '09 YAHTZEE, POWER YAHTZEE 2ND SB $11.00 09/ 9 Special Order Classic dice game of Yahtzee spiced up with a Power die that allows double or triple scores or even a 4th roll. Includes 5 dice, 1 Power Die, score sheets & rules. '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORTHINGTON GAMES (Worthi) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAESAR'S GALLIC WAR BC 1.5 $36.00 In-Stk: 90464 Block-system game of Caesar's efforts to subdue Gaul from 58-51BC. Provides 60 blocks, 30 cards, and plays in 3 hours. D.Berger'09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOUR MOVE GAMES (YourMo) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND PUNIC WARS 218-201BC, BASIC GAME FB $20.00 09/ 9 Special Order Card game of the pivotal Second Punic War, 218-201BC, between Rome & Carthage. This is a complete, historical game, but it can be intermixed with other Battleground fantasy kits to see how Rome defends agains an Orc invasion. '09 SECOND PUNIC WARS 218-201BC, EXP KIT FB $20.00 09/ 9 Special Order Kit adding 50 units for each side to the basic game. '09 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z-MAN GAMES (Z-Man) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARIMAA FB $29.00 09/ 9 Special Order 2-player game similar to chess & checkers. Playing pieces are various animals such as dogs, cats, camels, elephants with various strengths. Each player can make 4 actions per turn, moving & pulling or pushing animals. Goal is to get a rabbit into the opponent's goal area. '09 PANDEMIC: ON THE BRINK KIT BC 1.4 $22.00 In-Stk: 90341 Kit adding new roles, variants & disease to the base game, including 5th player rules, special events, a 5th disease, etc. '09 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 35 Games Listed Here; IM_NuPn2 Report: Newly Released Games. (c) Fine Games 2011