NEW GAMES & ACCESSORIES Published in * 6 / 2002 * All Wargames, Family Games, Magazines & Accessories reported as of 01-10-11 22:03 > > What you see here are games by their PUBLICATION DATE (YY/MM). < < > > This listing is NOT a catalog; many games shown here have since < < > > gone out of print & ceased to be available. Check our catalogs < < > > for actual availability. < < Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA email: Web: Phone: 866-690-7879 10am-9pm -or- 541-756-4711 10am-9pm Publsr / Game Title & Edition (Mag#) Box Est Cash Release Date Part# (In-Stk) Specific Condition & Topic Notes Typ Wgt# PriceEA YY/mm Ordr Turnaround ------ -------------------------------- --- ---- ------- ------------ --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHATHAM HILL GAMES (Chatha) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLD RUSH! Fo 0.4 $8.00 02/ 6 Special Order Simple game of the 1849 California gold rush. Players stake a claim 4-8wks Turnarnd & work it, hoping to strike it rich. '02 LONGHORN Fo 0.4 $8.00 02/ 6 Special Order Simple game of the great cattle drives of the 1870s north from 4-8wks Turnarnd Texas. Care for the heard over varying conditions & dangers. Decide whether to accept a fix price beforehand, or the highest price. '02 NGUZO SABA, 7 PRINCIPLES GAME Fo $25.00 02/ 6 Special Order Simple, abstract all-ages game focused on African history, heritage 4-8wks Turnarnd & culture. Players move around a simple track superimposed on Africa, being the first to learn all the "7 principles." '02 SWEEPSTAKES Fo 0.5 $8.00 02/ 6 Special Order 2-6 player game of horse racing in the 18th century on steeplechases 4-8wks Turnarnd on oval tracks, which a brief history of horse racing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRITICAL HIT (CRI) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMBAT! DIARY MAGAZINE #2 Fo 0.8 $18.00 02/ 6 Stocked Includes map, counters & scenarios expanding Combat! Kursk & Avail Uncrtn Stalingrad. Magazine supporting this ASL-alternative, tactical combat system. '02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRITICAL HIT MAGAZINE (CRImag) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRITICAL HIT V6 #4 Fo 1.0 $28.00 In-Stk: 74980 ASL-oriented mag w/ a game module with each issue, including map & counters. ASL/Sqds & Ldrs mag covering CH's many ASL products. This issue contains a map (K2), 2 identical countersheets w/ German & Soviet air & armor (112 counters total), plus 21 scenarios. '02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECISION GAMES (DecGms) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACIFIC BATTLES V1: THE RISING SUN HC 1.4 $37.00 In-Stk: 80342 A trilogy of games covering key battles in the first part of the war in the Pacific at a grand tactical level (Co/btln/rgt). Fall of Singapore (Dec'41-Feb'42) as 3 Japanese divisions chase the Brits down the Malay Peninsula & seize the prize, Singapore; Struggle on Bataan (Jan-Apr'42), in which ill supplied US-Filipino defense that disrupted the Japanese timetable; Turning Point Guadalcanal (Aug'42-Feb'43) covers the bitter land battle for the island. '02 PACIFIC BATTLES V1: THE RISING SUN HC 1.4 $35.00 In-Stk: 89116 A trilogy of games covering key battles in the first part of the war in the Pacific at a grand tactical level (Co/btln/rgt). Fall of Singapore (Dec'41-Feb'42) as 3 Japanese divisions chase the Brits down the Malay Peninsula & seize the prize, Singapore; Struggle on Bataan (Jan-Apr'42), in which ill supplied US-Filipino defense that disrupted the Japanese timetable; Turning Point Guadalcanal (Aug'42-Feb'43) covers the bitter land battle for the island. '02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAMES RESEARCH & DESIGN (GRD) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVER THERE FB* 7.5 110.00 02/ 6 Stocked Massive game covering the last 2 years of WW-1 on multiple fronts. 2-6wks Turnarnd 3640 counters, 10 maps, 9 scenarios. Mates w/ earlier March to Victory to cover the remainder of the war. Includes the Italian front, portions of Africa and the 2nd Mexican-American War. Box is crammed w/ paper including about 1.5" of rules/scenarios, counters, & 28pgs of errata. Whew! '02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HASBRO INDUSTRIES (Hasbro) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONOPOLY DELUXE LB* $26.00 02/ 6 Special Order Deluxe printing of this perenial favorite of cut throat capitalism. Contains wooden houses & hotels, gold tone tokens, title deed carousel & a bankers tray. A must have for any yuppie. '02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INNER CITY GAMES DESIGN (InnerC) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROUCHING HAMSTER, HIDDEN TRANSLATION En 0.4 $7.00 02/ 6 Special Order Game of bad movie dubs & martial arts, for 2-8 players. Using a custom set of 8 dice with various words, players create a bad movie dub & score points. '02 GIGANTIC zl 0.5 $7.00 02/ 6 Special Order 2-8 player board game parody of the Titanic movie. Players take roles from the movie, try to escape the sinking ship while preventing others from doing so. '02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAYFAIR GAMES (Mayfr) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THEOPHRASTUS SB $20.00 02/ 6 Special Order 2-5 player, fast playing card game. Players are apprentices to the slchemist/physician Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim. Complete experiments & demostrate alchemist abilities to win. '02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MILTON-BRADLEY (Milton) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRIVIAL PURSUIT 20TH ANNIVERERY EDITION LB* $52.00 02/ 6 Special Order Special 20th anniv edition of this popular trivia game, featuring Avail Uncrtn 4800 questions plus 6 new categories (world view, sound & screen, news, pages, tech & game on). '02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-MAN PUBLISHING, (MMP) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASL:LAST HURRAH 2ND HC 1.8 $29.00 In-Stk: 90479 2nd ed adds board 3 to contents. Armies of small neutrals conquered early in war. Mod#6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIO GRANDE GAMES (Rio) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIZARRO & CO. SB $20.00 02/ 6 Special Order Card game for 3-6 players in which players assume the role of kings and must hire explorers to explore the new world to earn wealth & prestige. '02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEVE JACKSON GAMES (SJG) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GURPS TRAVELLER 25TH ANNIV SET FB $21.00 02/ 6 Special Order GURPS sourcebook for the Traveller system including Gurps Travelller, Gurps Traveller GM screeen & Planetary Survey 1: Kamsii. '02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHY SPRIRE CO. (WhySpi) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENJO: HEAVEN & EARTH KIT LB* $40.00 02/ 6 Special Order Large, abstracted board & card game in which 2-4 players compete for 1-3wks Turnarnd dominance in space. '02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIZARDS OF THE COAST (Wizard) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGIC THE GATHERING ONLINE [CD-ROM] SB $12.50 02/ 6 Special Order CD-ROM, Win 9x+. Online, multi-player version of MtG. Cards can be owned, played, traded or sold on a secure server. Includes rules & CD, plus a coupon for a Theme deck. '02 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 19 Games Listed Here; IM_NuPn2 Report: Newly Released Games. (c) Fine Games 2011